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Hu Xiaowen


Prof. Xiao-Wen HU is a member of the Forage Breeding and Seed Group. His research interests are in various aspects of seed science, including seed production, seed dormancy and germination, seed ecology,seed testing as well as seed quality enhancement for agricultural purposes. He obtained his PhD (2008) in Lanzhou University, China, and have worked in Lanzhou University where he has remained successively as a lecturer, associate Professor and Professor. 

He has published over 26 papers in international journals including American Journal of Botany, Seed Science Research, Weed Research, Grass and Forage Science etc.

Address: No. 768 West Jiayuguan Road, Lanzhou 730020, P.R.China

State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems,

College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, 

Lanzhou University


Fax: 86-931-8910979

E-mail: huxw@lzu.edu.cn 

MAIN PUBLICATIONS (2008- Present):*Corresponding author

1X W HU*, X Y DING, C C Baskin, Y R Wang. Effect of soil moisture during stratification on dormancy release in seeds of five common weed species. Weed Research, 2018 DOI:10.1111/wre.12297

2Hu X W*, Pan J, Min D D, Fan Y, Ding X Y, Fan S G, Baskin C C, & Baskin J M. Seed dormancy and soil seedbank of the invasive weed Chenopodium hybridum in north-western China. Weed Research, 2017, 57: 54-64.

3Xiao Wen Hu, Rui Zhang, Yan Pei Wu, Carol C. Baskin. Seedling tolerance to cotyledon removal varies with seed size: A case of five legume species. Ecology and Evolution, 2017,7:5948-5955.

4Zhang Rui, Yanrong Wang, Carol C. Baskin, Xiaowen Hu*. Effect of population, collection year, after-ripening and incubation conditions on seed germination of Stipa bungeana. Scientific Report, 7:13893.

5Zhang R, Hu X W*, Baskin J M, Baskin C C, & Wang Y R. Effects of litter on seedling emergence and seed persistence of three common species on the Loess Plateau in Northwestern China. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00103. 

6Rong Li, Dandan Min, Lijun Chen, Chunyang Chen and Xiaowen Hu*. Hydropriming accelerates seed germination of Medicago sativa under stressful conditions: A thermal and hydrotime model approach. Legume Research, 2017, 40:741-747. 

7Rong Li, Lijun Chen, Rui Zhang, Xiaowen Hu*.  Effects of cultivar and maternal environment on seed quality in Vicia sativa, Frontiers in Plant Science, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01411. 

8 Zhang R, Wang Y R, Baskin J M, Baskin C C, Luo K, & Hu X W*. Germination and persistence in soil of the dimorphic diaspores of Atriplex centralasiatica. Seed Science Research, 2016, 26: 273-283.

9 Hu X W*, Zhang R, Min D D, Fan S G, Wang Y R, & Baskin J M. Factors restricting seed germination and seedling recruitment of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus: an evergreen shrub endemic to cold deserts in China. Seed Science & Technology, 2016, 44: 1-14. 

10 Wu Y.P., Chen F., Hu X.W*., Baskin C.C, & Baskin J.M. Alleviation of salinity stress on germination of Leymus chinensis seeds by plant growth regulators and nitrogenous compounds under contrasting light/dark conditions. Grass and Forage Science, 2016, 71: 497-506. 

11Hu X.W.*, Fan Y., Baskin C.C, Baskin J.M., & Wang Y.R. Comparison of the effects of temperature and water potential on seed germination of Fabaceae species from desert and subalpine grassland. American Journal of Botany, 2015, 102: 649-660. 

12 Hu X.W.*, Wu Y.P., Ding X.Y., Zhang R., Wang Y.R., Baskin C.C., & Baskin J.M. Seed dormancy, seedling establishment and dynamics of the soil seed bank of Stipa bungeana (Poaceae) on the Loess Plateau of northwestern China. Plos One, 2014, 9: e112579.

13 Hu X.W.*, Li T.S., Wang J., Wang Y.R., Baskin C.C., & Baskin J.M. Seed dormancy in four Tibetan Plateau Vicia species and characterization of physiological changes in response of seeds to environmental factors. Seed Science Research, 2013, 23: 133-140. 

14 Hu X.W.*, Zhou Z.Q., Li T.S., Wu Y.P., & Wang Y.R. Environmental factors controlling seed germination and seedling recruitment of Stipa bungeana on the Loess Plateau of northwestern China. Ecological Research, 2013, 28: 801-809.

15 Hu X.W.*, Huang X.W., & Wang, Y.R. Hormonal and temperature regulation of seed dormancy and germination in Leymus chinensis. Plant Growth Regulation, 2012, 67: 199-207. (生物学四区)

16 Hu X.W., Wang, Y.R., Wu Y.P. Different requirements for physical dormancy release in two populations of Sophora alopecuroides relation to burial depth. Ecological Research, 2009, 24:1051-1056. 

17Hu X.W., Wang Y.R., Wu Y.P. Effects of the pericarp on imbibition, seed germination and seedling establishment in seeds of Hedysarum scoparium. Ecological Research,2009,24: 559-564. 

18 Hu X.W., Wang, Y.R., Wu Y.P., Baskin, C.C. Role of the lens in controlling water uptake in seeds of two Fabaceae (Papilionoideae) species. Seed Science Research,2009,19:73-80. 

19Hu X.W., Wang, Y.R., Wu Y.P. Nan Z.B. and Baskin, C.C. Role of the lens in physical dormancy in seeds of Sophora alopecuroides L. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 2008, 59: 491-497. 

20YY Lv, XQ He, XW Hu, YR Wang. The seed semipermeable layer and its relation to seed quality assessment in four grass species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, doi.org/10.3389/ fpls.2017.01175. 

21Duan Z., Zhang D.Y., Zhang J.Q., Di H.Y., Wu F., Hu X.W., Meng X.C., Luo K., Zhang J.Y., & Wang Y.R. Co-transforming bar and CsALDH genes enhanced resistance to herbicide and drought and salt stress in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016: 1115. 

22 Fan, S. G., Wang, Y. R., Baskin, C. C., Baskin, J. M., & Hu, X. W. A rapid method to determine germinability and viability of Agriophyllum squarrosum (Amaranthaceae) seeds. Seed Science & Technology, 2016, 44: 1-6.

23 He X.Q., Wang Y.R., Hu X.W., Baskin C.C., Baskin J.M., & Lv Y.Y. Seed dormancy and dormancy-breaking methods in Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. (Poaceae). Grass and Forage Science, 2016, 71: 641-648. 

24Luo D., Zhou Q., Ma L.C., Xie W.G., Wang Y.R., Hu X.W., & Liu Z.P. Novel polymorphic expressed-sequence tag–simple-sequence repeat markers in Campeiostachys nutans for genetic diversity analyses. Crop Science, 2015, 55: 2712-2718.

25Li X.Y.,Wang Y.R.,Wei X.,Tai J.H.,Jia C.Z.,& Hu X.W. Trethewey JAK. Planting density and irrigation timing affects Cleistogenes songorica seed yield sustainability. Agronomy Journal, 2014, 106: 1690-1696. 

26Wu Y P, Hu X W, Wang Y R. Growth, water relations, and stomatal development of Caragana korshinskii Kom. and Zygophyllum xanthoxylum(Bunge) Maxim. seedlings in response to water deficits. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture Research, 2009, 52(2):185-193. 


1The ecophysiological mechanism of seed dormancy release in the field for several legume species, the National Natural Science Fund, 310030, 2011-2013

2Local adaptation of seed germination and seedling establishment and maternal environmental effect of several species from Tibetan Plateau, the National Natural Science Fund, 31672473, 2018-2020

3Research and demonstration for alfalfa cultivation on the Loess Plateau, the Special Fund for Agroscientific Research in the Public Interest, 201403048-3, 2014-2018



Professor, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.

May.2010-May 2015: 

Associate Professor, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.

Mar.2014-Sep.2014: Visiting scholar, University of Kentucky.

Supervisor: Prof. Carol C. Baskin

Sep.2014-Apr. 2015: Visiting scholar, Duke University.

Supervisor: Prof. Kathleen Donohue


Assistant Professor, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.


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