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Lin Huilong


Personal Information

Lin (Family Name) Huilong (Given name)

Affiliation: College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University

Work E-mail: linhuilong@lzu.edu.cn

Title: Professor, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University

Head, Department of Agricultural and Forestry Economics & Management

Director, Prataculture System Analysis & Social Development Research Institute 

State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems 

Primary Address: No.768 Jiayuguan West Road, Lanzhou City, 730020 China

Telephone Number and Facsimile




Web Sites:


College: http://caoye.lzu.edu.cn/

University: http://www.lzu.edu.cn/

Research Interests

My research interests are in Grassland Agro-ecosystem and Ecological Modeling.  Much  of  my  work  involves  numerical  and  mathematical  modeling  with  an emphasis on geographical aspects and scale issues. I was most recently working on the Agricultural resource management, Modeling and decision support system. My recent research interests are farming system analysis based on emergy analysis that allow for an integrated study of geomorphology, hydrology geochemistry and grazing ecology.


2007.   Ph.D. College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology,Lanzhou University. Major: Grassland Agro-ecosystem. Support Areas: Mathematical Ecology.

2002.   M. D. Gansu Agricultural University. Major: Pastoral Agriculture Science. Minor Area: Mathematical Ecology.

1988.   B.S. Department of Mathematics, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou,Gansu Province,China. 1988. Major: Applied Mathematics.

Positions and Membership in Professional Associations and Journals

Vice-president of Chinese Association of the economy and policy of the grass industry

Executive Vice-chairman, the Chinese Society for Agricultural Ethics

Member, Chinese Society of Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Economics(CSFAFE)

Member, The education professional Committee of Chinese Grassland Society(CGS).

Member, the Editorial Committee of the Journal of the ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA

Member, the Editorial Committee of the Journal of grassland Science Bulletin

Job History

5/2009 -          Professor, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University.

05/2009 - 05/2004. Associate Professor of Ecology, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University. 

05/2004 - 05/2000.  Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, College of Science,Gansu Agricultural University. 

05/2000 - 05/1995.  Lecturer of Applied Mathematics, College of Science,Gansu Agricultural University.

05/1995 - 07/1988.  Teaching Assistant of Applied Mathematics, College of Science,Gansu Agricultural University. 


2006  Wang Dong Grass-Science Scholarship Award (presented by the administration committee of Chinese Grassland Society for outstanding achievement during doctoral course in Lanzhou University).

Publications Journals(*Corresponding author)

Huilong Lin*, Ruichao Li, Yifan Liu, Jingrong Zhang, Jizhou Ren. Allocation of grassland, livestock and arable based on the spatial and temporal analysis for food demand in China. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 2017, 4(1):69-80

Chong Wang, Huilong Lin*, Qisheng Feng, Cangyu Jin, Aocheng Cao and Lan He. A New Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Eupatorium adenophorum under Climate Change in China. Sustainability, 2017, 9(11), 2037; doi:10.3390/su9112037

Xuelu Wang, Tiangang Liang, Hongjie Xie, Xiaodong Huang, Huilong Lin*. Climate-driven changes in grassland vegetation, snow cover, and lake water of the Qinghai Lake basin Climate-driven changes in grassland vegetation, snow cover, and lake water of the Qinghai Lake basin[J]. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2016, 10(3).

Huilong LIN, Ruichao LI, Cangyu JIN, Chong WANG, Maohong WEI, Jizhou REN. China’s new problems of food security revealed by the Food Equivalent Unit. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 2014, 1: 69-76.

Huilong Lin, Xuelu Wang, Yingjun Zhang, Tiangang Liang, Qisheng Feng, Jizhou Ren. Spatiotemporal dynamics on the distribution, extent and NPP of potential grassland in response to climate changes in China. The Rangeland Journal,2013,35(4):409-425.

Lin, H. L., and Zhang, Y. J. Evaluation of six methods to predict grassland net primary productivity along an altitudinal gradient in the Alxa Rangeland, Western Inner Mongolia, China. Grassland Science, 2013,59:100–110.

Huilong Lin, Qisheng Feng, Tiangang Liang, Jizhou Ren. Modelling Global-scale Potential Grassland Changes in Spatio-temporal Patterns to Global Climate Change. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2013,20(1):83 - 96.

Huilong Lin, Jun Zhao, Tiangang Liang, Jan Bogaert, Zhenqing Li. A Classification indices-based model for net primary productivity (NPP) and potential productivity of vegetation in China. International Journal of Biomathematics,2012, 5(3):1-23.

Huilong Lin, Qi Ming Zhuang. Adaptive extent and seed yield predictions for Microula sikkimensis grown in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Ecological modelling, 2007,20I : 507–520.

Huilong Lin  Qiming Zhuang  and Hua Fu. Habitat Niche-fitness and Radix Yield Prediction Models for Angelica sinensis Cultivated in the Alpine Area of the Southeastern Region of Gansu Province, China. Plant Production Science.,2008,11(1):42-58. 

Huilong Lin, Jizhou REN, and Qin WANG. Seed yield predictions based on the habitat niche-fitness of Microula sikkimensis, an endemic oil crop in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Botanical Studies,. 2006, 47: 293-306.

Liang Tiangang, Feng Qisheng, Cao Jianjun, Xie Hongjie, Lin Huilong, Zhao Jun, Ren Jizhou. Changes in global potential vegetation distributions from 1911 to 2000 as simulated by the Comprehensive Sequential Classification System approach. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57(11):1298-1310.

Feng Qisheng, Liang Tiangang, Huang Xiaodong, Lin Huilong, Xie Hongjie & Ren Jizhou. Characteristics of global potential natural vegetation distribution from 1911 to 2000 based on comprehensive sequential classification system approach. Grassland Science, 2013, 59:87–99.

Liang Tiangang, Feng Qisheng, Yu Hui, Huang Xiaodong, Lin Huilong, An Shazhou and Ren Jizhou. Dynamics of natural vegetation on the Tibetan Plateau from past to future using a comprehensive and sequential classification system and remote sensing data. Grassland Science, 2012, 58: 208–220.

Binhua Yu, Zhibiao Nan, Yanzhong Li and Huilong Lin. Resistance of standing milkvetch (Astragalus adsurgens) varieties to Embellisia astragali. Crop & Pasture Science, 2012, 63: 351–359.

Ji Zhou Ren, Zi Zhi Hu, Jun Zhao, De Gang Zhang, Fu Jiang Hou, Huilong Lin, and Xin Dai Mu. 2008. A Grassland classification system and its application in China. The Rangeland Journal ,30:199-209. 

F. J. Hou, Z. B. Nan, Y. Z. Xie, X. L. Li, H. L. Lin and J.Z.Ren.2008. Integrated crop-livestock production systems in China. The Rangeland Journal ,30:221-231.

International Conference 

Huilong Lin*, Chong Wang. Predicting the Potential Distribution of Eupatorium adenophorum in Response to Climate Change in China[C] 10th International Rangeland Congress Organizing Committee members

Huilong Lin, Yue Liang, Feng Zhang, Weixin Song. 2014. Erosion dynamics and fragmentation threshold of alpine meadow in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: a simulation on cellular automata. In: Deli Wang & Chunsheng Mu (eds). Knowledge Innovation of Grassland Science and Sustainable Development of Grassland Agriculture. Proceedings of the 5th China-Japan-Korea Grassland Conference, Changchun, China, August 20th-24th, 2014,pp36-37.

Lin HuiLong.2009.A New Model of Grassland Net Primary Productivity (NPP) Based on the Integrated Orderly Classification System of Grassland. The Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Volume 1:52-56.( EI. DOI 10.1109/FSKD.2009.705)

Hui Long Lin and Rui Jun Long.2008. Emergy analysis for the sustainability of an agro-ecosystem in Ningxia Province, China. Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing Word/ Edited by Organizing Committee of IGC/IRC Congress. Guangdong People’s Publishing House. VolumeⅡ, 234.

Lin Huilong, Ren Jizhou, Fu Hua. 2007.Coupling Patterns and Ecological- Economic Benefits in Mountain-Oasis-Desert Systems (MODS), Gansu, China. Abstract of Eco Summit 2007: Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology. Beijing, China. p6044.

Ren Jizhou, Lin Huilong. 2006. System coupling of agro-grassland ecosystems to maximize eco-economic benefits—some examples from Northwestern China. In: P.G.Long and Z.B. Nan (eds).Grassland Agriculture: Balancing Production and Environmental Protection. Proceedings of the 2nd China-Japan-Korea Grassland Conference, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China, 31 July-6 August, Acta Prataculturae Sinica,15(Suppl.):264-268.


Huilong Lin. 2014. The Classification Indices-Based Model for NPP According to the Integrated Orderly Classification System of Grassland and Its Application, CO2 Sequestration and Valorization, Mr. Victor Esteves (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-1225-9, InTech, pp172-224.

Huilong Lin. 2004. chapter 8 and 9. In: General Theory of Grassland Agriculture Ecosystem. Jizhou Ren (eds.). Anhui Educational Press. Hefei, China. p. 348 445.

Huilong Lin. 2007. Chapter 5. In: Coupling patterns of Mountain-Oasis-Desert Agro-ecosystem in Hexi Corridor, Gansu, China. Jizhou Ren (eds.). Chinese Science Press. Beijing, China. p. 336 391.

Principal Subject Matter for Teaching 

General Theory of Grassland Agriculture Ecosystem. 

Grass-based Agricultural system Analyses: Theory and Methods


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