Welcome to school of pastoral agriculture science and technology,lanzhou university



Zhang Jiyu



Professor in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology

College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology,

Lanzhou University,

768 West Jiayuguan Road, 730020, Lanzhou, China

Phone:+86 931 8914051   Fax: +86 931 8910979 

E-mail: zhangjy@lzu.edu.cn 


PhD in forage crops breeding and biotechnology (2008), Lanzhou Univ., Gansu, China

Co-supervised by Prof. YanRong Wang, Zhibiao Nan and German Spangenberg. The thesis title is “Germplasm evaluation, cDNA library construction, genes cloning and identification of Drought resistance in Cleistogenes songorica”

Master of Agriculture Science in Grassland Science (2003), Gansu Agri. Univ. Gansu, China

Co-supervised by Prof. Ting Lu and Qinhua Yuan. The thesis title is “Study on genetic diversity of 14 wild Lespedeza populations”

Bachelor of Agriculture Science in Horticultural Science (2000), Gansu Agri. Univ. Gansu, China


July 2003 -  present, Teaching and research on forage and turf grass breeding and biotechnology in Lanzhou University

January 2007 - January 2008, Visiting scientist on drought and cold resistance related functional genomics in Victoria Agriculture Biotechnology Center, Department of Primary Industries (DPI), Australia.

May- July, 2012, visit Grassland research centre in Lincoln and Parmerston North, AgResearch Ltd, PGG Wrightson, supported by “China-NZ Scientist Exchange Program”, working on forage plant breeding and seed production.

Oct 2014- Jan 2015, visit Bioscience Research Division, DEPI, Victoria, Australia, working on integrate whole genome sequencing and transcriptome to investigate mechanisms of drought resistance in Cleistogenes songorica.

March 2018, visit International Wheat and Maize Improvement Centre (CIMMYT)


Forage and turfgrass breeding on alfalfa, Cleistogenes songorica, and Melilotus spp. etc, by traditional breeding, mutation breeding; Genetic gain and selection index in breeding programme

Molecular breeding by MAS, transformation and genome editing.

Integrate transcriptomic, metabemic, and genomics to interpret complex traits in forage plant.

PUBLISHCATIONS (* Corresponding author):

     1. Wu Fan, Duan Zhen, Xu Pan, Yan Qi, Meng Minghui, Cao Mingshu, Jones S. Chris, Zong Xifang, Zhou Pei, Wang Yimeng, Luo Kai, Wang Shengsheng, Yan Zhuanzhuan, Wang Penglei, Di Hongyan, Ouyang Zifeng, Wang Yanrong, Zhang Jiyu*. Genome and systems biology of Melilotus albus provides insights into coumarins biosynthesis. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13742

     2. Kanzana Gisele, Musaza Jean, Wu Fan, Ouyang Zifeng, Wang Yimeng, Ma Tiantian, Bakhit Ishag Rahama Akoy, Zhang Jiyu*. Genome-wide development and application of miRNA-SSR markers in Melilotus genus. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2021, 27, 2269–2282. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12298-021-01086-z

     3. Ma Tiantian, Wei Xingyi, Zhang Yufei, Li Jie, Wu Fan, Yan Qi, Yan Zhuanzhuan, Zhang Zhengshe, Kanzana Gisele, Zhao Yufeng, Yang Yingbo, Zhang Jiyu*. Development of molecular markers based on LTR retrotransposon in the Cleistogenes songorica genome. Journal Applied Genetics (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13353-021-00658-9

     4. Yan Qi, Li Jie, Lu Liyan, Gao Lijuan, Lai Dawei, Yao Na, Yi Xianfeng, Wu Zhuyue, Lai Zhiqiang, Zhang Jiyu*. Integrated analyses of phenotype, phytohormone, and transcriptome to elucidate the mechanism governing internode elongation in two contrasting elephant grass (Cenchrus purpureus) cultivars, Industrial Crops and Products, 2021, 170, 113693.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.113693

     5. Zong Xifang, Wang Shengsheng, Han Yangyang, Zhao Qiang, Xu Pan, Yan Qi, Wu Fan, Zhang Jiyu*. Genome-wide profiling of the potential regulatory network of lncRNA and mRNA in Melilotus albus under salt stress, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2021, 189, 104548. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2021.104548.

     6. Ouyang Zifeng, Wang Yimeng, Ma Tiantian, Kanzana Gisele, Wu Fan, Zhang Jiyu*. Genome-wide identification and development of LTR retrotransposon-based molecular markers for the Melilotus Genus. Plants 2021.10(5): 890. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10050890

     7. Wang Penglei, Yan Zhuanzhuan, Zong Xifang, Yan Qi, Zhang Jiyu*. Genome-wide analysis and expression profiles of the Dof family in Cleistogenes songorica under temperature, salt and ABA treatment. Plants 2021, 10(5), 850. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10050850

     8. Chen Lijun, Wu Fan, Zhang Jiyu*. NAC and MYB families and lignin biosynthesis-related members identification and expression analysis in Melilotus albus. Plants 2021, 10(2), 303. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10020303

     9. Zhang Jiyu, Wu Fan, Yan Qi, John Ulrik P, Cao Mingshu, Xu Pan, Zhang Zhengshe, Ma Tiantian, Zong Xifang, Li Jie, Liu Ruijuan, Zhang Yufei, Zhao Yufeng, Kanzana Gisele, Lv Yanyan, Nan Zhibiao, Spangenberg German, Wang Yanrong. The genome of Cleistogenes songorica provides a blueprint for functional dissection of dimorphic flower differentiation and drought adaptability. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2021, 19(3): 532–547. doi:10.1111/pbi.13483

     10. Yan Qi, Wu Fan, Xu Pan, Sun Zongyi, Li Jie, Gao Lijuan, Lu Liyan, Chen Dongdong, Muktar Meki, Jones Chris, Yi Xianfeng, Zhang Jiyu*. The elephant grass (Cenchrus purpureus) genome provides insights into anthocyanidin accumulation and fast growth. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2021, 21(2): 526-542. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.13271

     11. Yan Qi, Zong Xifang, Wu Fan, Li Jie, Ma Tiantian, Zhao Yufeng, Ma Qian, Wang Penglei, Wang Yanrong, Zhang Jiyu*. Integrated analysis of co-expression, conserved genes and gene families reveal core regulatory network of heat stress response in Cleistogenes songorica, a xerophyte perennial desert plant. BMC Genomics. 2020. 21:715. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-020-07122-8

     12. Zhang Zhengshe, Jin Xiaoyu, Liu Zhipeng, Zhang Jiyu, Liu Wenxian. Genome‐wide identification of FAD gene family and functional analysis of MsFAD3.1 involved in the accumulation of α‐linolenic acid in alfalfa. Crop Science, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20362

     13. Zong Xifang, Yan Qi, Wu Fan, Ma Qian, Zhang Jiyu*. Genome-wide analysis of the role of NAC family in flower development and abiotic stress responses in Cleistogenes songorica. Genes 2020, 11(8), 927. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes11080927

     14. Kanzana Gisele, Zhang Yufei, Ma Tiantian, Liu Wenxian, Wu Fan, Yan Qi, Min Xueyang, Yan Zhuanzhuan, Muvunyi Blaise Pascal, Li Jie, Zhang Zhengshe, Zhao Yufeng, Zhang Jiyu*. Genome-wide development of miRNA-based SSR markers in Cleistogenes songorica and analysis of their transferability to Gramineae/non-Gramineae species. Journal of Applied Genetics 2020, 61, 367–377. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13353-020-00561-9

     15. Xu Pan, Wu Fan, Ma Tiantian, Yan Qi, Zong Xifang, Li Jie, Zhao Yufeng, Kanzana Gisele, Zhang Jiyu*. Analysis of six transcription factor families explores transcript divergence of cleistogamous and chasmogamous flowers in Cleistogenes songorica. DNA and Cell Biology. 2020, 39 (2): 273-288. http://doi.org/10.1089/dna.2019.5047

     16. Yan Qi, Wu Fan, Ma Tiantian, Zong Xifang, Ma Qian, Li Jie, Zhao Yufeng, Wang Yanrong, Zhang Jiyu*, Comprehensive analysis of bZIP transcription factors uncovers their roles during dimorphic floret differentiation and stress response in Cleistogenes songorica. BMC Genomics 2019, 20(1):760. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-019-6092-4

     17. Zhang Hongxiang, Bai Rong, Wu Fan, Guo Wenli, Yan Zhuanzhuan, Yan Qi, Zhang Yufei, Ma Jinxing, Zhang Jiyu*. Genetic diversity, phylogenetic structure and development of core collections in Melilotus accessions from a Chinese gene bank. Scientific Reports 2019, 9(1):13017.

     18. Yan Qi, Wu Fan, Yan Zhuanzhuan, Li Jie, Ma Tiantian, Zhang Yufei, Zhao Yufeng, Wang Yanrong, and Zhang Jiyu* (2019) Differential co-expression networks of long non-coding RNAs and mRNAs in Cleistogenes songorica under water stress and during recovery. BMC Plant Biology 19(1): 23. [PDF]

     19. Muvunyi Blaise, Yan Qi, Wu Fan, Min Xueyang, Yan Zhuanzhuan, Kanzana Gisele, Wang Yanrong, and Zhang Jiyu* (2018) Mining Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) family genes in Cleistogenes songorica, a xerophyte perennial desert plant, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(11): 3430. [PDF]

     20. Wu Fan, Luo Kai, Yan Zhuanzhuan, Zhang Daiyu, Yan Qi, Zhang Yufei, Yi Xianfeng, and Zhang Jiyu (2018) Analysis of miRNAs and their target genes in five Melilotus albus NILs with different coumarin content, Scientific Reports 8 (2018): 14138. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-32153-3 [PDF]

     21. Wu Fan, Zhang Daiyu, Muvunyi Blaise Pascal, Yan Qi, Zhang Yufei, Yan Zhuanzhuan, Cao Mingshu, Wang Yanrong, Zhang Jiyu* (2018) Analysis of microRNA reveals cleistogamous and chasmogamous floret divergence in dimorphic plant. Scientific Reports 8: 6287. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-24477-x. [PDF]

     22. Zhang Jiyu, Di Hongyan, Luo Kai, Jahufer Zulfi, Wu Fan, Duan Zhen, Stewart Alan, Yan Zhuanzhuan, Wang Yanrong (2018) Coumarin content, morphological variation, and molecular phylogenetics of Melilotus. Molecules 23 (4): 810. doi:10.3390/molecules23040810. [PDF]

     23. Luo Kai, Jahufer M. Z. Z., Zhao Hong, Zhang Rui, Wu Fan, Yan Zhuanzhuan, Zhang Jiyu*, Wang Yanrong* (2018) Genetic improvement of key agronomic traits in Melilotus albus. Crop Science 58: 1-10. [PDF]

     24. Yan Zhuanzhuan, Wu Fan, Luo Kai, Zhao Yufeng, Yan Qi, Zhang Yufei, Wang Yanrong, Zhang Jiyu* (2017) Cross-species transferability of EST-SSR markers developed from the transcriptome of Melilotus and their application to population genetics research. Scientific Reports 7: 17959. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-18049-8 [PDF]

     25. Wu Fan, Ma Jinxing, Meng Yuqin, Zhang Daiyu, Muvunyi Blaise Pascal, Luo Kai, Di Hongyan, Guo Wenli, Wang Yanrong, Feng Baochang*, Zhang Jiyu* (2017) Potential DNA barcodes for Melilotus species based on five single loci and their combinations. PloS one 12: e0182693. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182693. [PDF]

     26. Muvunyi Blaise Pascal, Sallah PYK, Dusengemungu L, Zhang Jiyu (2017) Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Coffee Accessions in Rwanda and Its Implication for Coffee Breeding. American Journal of Plant Sciences 08: 2461-2473. [PDF]

     27. Luo Kai, Wu Fan, Zhang Daiyu, Dong Rui, Fan Zhicao, Zhang Rui, Yan Zhuanzhuan, Wang Yanrong*, Zhang Jiyu* (2017) Transcriptomic profiling of Melilotus albus near-isogenic lines contrasting for coumarin content. Scientific Reports 7:4577. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-04111-y. [PDF]

     28. Dong Rui, Dong Deke , Luo Dong, Zhou Qiang, Chai Xutian, Zhang Jiyu, Xie Wengang, Liu Wenxian, Dong Yang, Wang Yanrong*, Liu Zhipeng* (2017) Transcriptome Analyses Reveal Candidate Pod Shattering-Associated Genes Involved in the Pod Ventral Sutures of Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.). Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 649.

     29. Luo Kai, Jahufer MZZ, Wu Fan, Di Hongyan, Zhang Daiye, Meng Xuanchen, Zhang Jiyu*, Wang Yanrong* (2016) Genotypic variation in a breeding population of yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis). Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 972. doi: 910.3389/fpls.2016.00972. [PDF]

     30. Zhang Jiyu, Duan Zhen, Zhang Daiyu, Zhang Jianquan, Di Hongyan, Wu Fan, Wang Yanrong* (2016). Co-transforming Bar and CsLEA enhanced tolerance to drought and salt stress in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 472 (1): 75-82. [PDF]

     31. Wu Fan, Zhang Daiyu, Ma JinXin, Luo Kai, Di Hongyan, Liu Zhipeng, Zhang Jiyu*, Wang Yanrong (2016) Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure in accessions of the genus Melilotus. Industrial Crops and Products 85: 84-92. [PDF]

     32. Duan Zhen, Zhang Daiyu, Zhang Jianquan, Di Hongyan, Wu Fan, Hu Xiaowen, Meng Xuanchen, Luo Kai, Zhang Jiyu*,Wang Yanrong (2015) Co-transforming bar and CsALDH genes enhanced resistance to herbicide and drought and salt stress in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 1115. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01115. [PDF]

     33. Di Hongyan, Duan Zhen, Luo Kai, Zhang Daiyu, Wu Fan, Zhang Jiyu*, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong (2015), Interspecific phylogenic relationships within genus Melilotus based on nuclear and chloroplast DNA, PLoS ONE, 10(7): e0132596. [PDF]

     34. Zhang Jiyu, Kong Lingfang, Liu Zhipeng, Jahufer Zulfi, Duan Zhen, Huo Yaxin, Di Hongyan, Wang Yanrong* (2015), Stress-induced expression in Arabidopsis with a Dehydrin LEA protein from Cleistogenes songorica, a xerophytic desert grass, Plant Omics, 8(6): 485-492. [PDF]

     35. Luo Dong, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong, Zhang Jiyu, Liu Zhipeng* (2014) Development of a rapid one-step PCR protocol to distinguish between alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and sweet clover (Melilotus spp.) seeds. Seed Sci Technol 42: 237-246.

     36. Zhang Jiyu, Duan Zhen, Jahufer Z, An Shijin & Wang Yanrong* (2014) Stress-inducible expression of a Cleistogenes songorica ALDH gene enhanced drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Omics 7(6): 438-444. [PDF]

     37. Zhang Jiyu, John Ulrik P, Wang Yanrong, Li Xi, Gunawardana D, Polotnianka R, Spangenberg German C, Nan Zhibiao* (2011), Targeted mining of drought stress-responsive genes from EST resources in Cleistogenes songorica. Journal of Plant Physiology, 168 (15): 1844-1851. [PDF]

     38. Zhang Jiyu, Yuan Qinhua, Meng Yuqin, Li Xianglin, Nan Zhibiao, Wang Yanrong*, Zhang Wenshu. (2007) A genetic diversity analysis of wild Lespedeza populations based on morphological characters, allozyme and RAPD methods. Plant Breeding, 126: 89-94. [PDF]


Cleistogenes songorica cv. Tengger


National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology, 31572453,2016-2019.

National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology, 31101759, 2012-2014.

Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Gansu province, GNSW-2011-16, 2012-2014.


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