Welcome to school of pastoral agriculture science and technology,lanzhou university



Zhang Jinlin


PhD and Professor of Plant Physiology and Plant-Microbe Interacton

Email: jlzhang@lzu.edu.cn

Telephone: +86-931-8912357 (office), +86-139-9317-2389 (mobile)

Fax: +86-931-8910979

Address: P.O. Box 61, 768 West Jiayuguan Road, Lanzhou 730020, Gansu Province, P. R. China

Research Areas

·Plant abiotic stress physiology and molecular biology

·Plant-microbe interaction for plant stress tolerance


2005-2008   Ph.D. Plant Physiology, College of Pastoral Agricultural Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, P. R. China 

Thesis Title: Low-Affinity Na+ Uptake and Accumulation in the Halophyte Suaeda maritima

Supervisor: Professors Ji-Zhou Ren, Suo-Min Wang and Timothy J. Flowers (School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex, UK)

2000-2003   M.Ag. Plant Genetics and Breeding, School of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, P. R. China

Supervisor: Professor Zi-Yi Cao

1996-2000   B.Ag. Agronomy, School of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, P. R. China

Professional Experiences

05/01/2013-present     Professor and PhD Student Supervisor, College of Pastoral Agricultural Science and Technology, Lanzhou University

12/22/2016-07/20/2018  Visiting Scholar with Prof. Yiwei Jiang at Department of Agronomy, Purdue University, USA

04/07/2017-04/18/2017  Visiting Scholar with Prof. Paul Paré and Assoc. Prof. Huazhong Shi at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Professor Hong Zhang at Department of Bioolgy, Texas Tech University, USA

01/15/2010-01/14/2011  Postdoctoral Research Associate with Prof. Paul Paré at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas Tech University, USA

05/01/2009-04/30/2013  Associate Professor and Master Student Supervisor, College of Pastoral Agricultural Science and Technology, Lanzhou University.

07/01/2007-11/31/2007  Visiting Scholar with Prof. Tim Flowers at School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex, UK.

03/01/2006-12/28/2008  Lecturer, College of Pastoral Agricultural Science and Technology, Lanzhou University.

09/01/2006-12/31/2006  Visiting Scholar with Prof. Tim Flowers at School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex, UK.

07/08/2003-02/28/2006  Assistant, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University.

Awards and Honors

2017 The Second Class Technical Invention Award by Gansu Provincial Government (Ranking 5/6)

2016  Legend Chair Professor by Gansu Provicial Government

2016  Scholarship by China Scholarship Council

2014  Youth May 4th Medal of Gansu Province

2013  Excellent Young Scientist Award by Lanzhou City

2013  Longji Young Faculty Teaching Award by Lanzhou University

2012  Outstanding Youth Fund by National Natural Science Foundation of China

2012  The First Class Prize of Natural Science Award by Gansu Provincial Government, China(Ranking 2/5)

2011  New Century Talent by Ministry of Education, China 

2009  Outstanding Staff in Teaching and Cultivating Students by Lanzhou University

2008  Scholarship by China Scholarship Council

2007  Wang Dong Grass-Science Scholarship by the Administration Committee of Wang Dong Grass-Science Scholarship, China

2007  The First Agricultural Scientific Award by Gansu Provincial Government, China

2002  Outstanding Paper Awarded by Gansu Provincial Society of Botany, China

2000  The Second Prize in the 2000 Chinese National English Contest awarded by the Organizing Committee of National English Contest for College Students

Societies and Editorial Board Memberships

Chinese Society of Plant Physiology, Chinese Grassland Society.

Invited reviewers of Biotechnology Advances, Plant and Soil, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Phytochemistry, Journal of Plant Physiology, Frontiers in Plant Science, Plos One, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Functional Plant Biology etc..

Editorial Board Member of Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, Pratacultural Science and Chinese Grass Science Bulletin.

Vice Chair of the organizing committees of the 9th International Symposium on Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf (MBFT 2016) and The 3rd National Conference on Forage and Turf Biotechnology of Chinese Grassland Society(2016).

Main Research Grants

01/2017-12/2018   “Development and extension of new type of compound microbial fertilizer”, Gansu Province Science & Technology Support Programme (grant No. 1604NKCA077)

01/2013-12/2015   “Physiological Mechanism of Stress Tolerance of Grass and Forage”,  National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (grant No. 31222053)

01/2012-12/2015   “Mechanism of Bacillus subtilis regulating salt-tolerance-related cation transporters in Puccinellia tenuiflora”, NSFC (grant No. 31172256).

01/2008-12/2010   “Functional mechanism of high affinity potassium transporters (HKT) in Na+ exclusion in Puccinellia tenuiflora”, NSFC (grant No. 30700562), 160,000 Chinese Yuan (1/7).

Main Publications (“*” indicates corresponding authors)

1Li MF, Ge L, Kang T, Sun P, Xing H, Yang D, Zhang JL*, Paré PW* (2018) High-elevation cultivation increases anti-cancer podophyllotoxin accumulation in Podophyllum hexandrum. Industrial Crops and Products 121: 338-344 (SCI IF2017 = 3.85)

2Meng LS*, Li Cong, Xu Meng-Ke, Sun XD, Wan W, Cao XY, Zhang JL*, Chen KM* (2018) Arabidopsis ANGUSTIFOLIA3 (AN3) 1 is associated with the promoter of CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1) in regulating light-mediated stomatal development. Plant Cell and Environment 41:1645-1656 (SCI IF2017 = 5.42)

3He AL, Niu SQ, Zhao Q, Li YS, Gou JY, Gao HJ, Suo SZ, Zhang JL * (2018) Induced salt tolerance of perennial ryegrass by a novel bacterium strain from the rhizosphere of a desert shrub Haloxylon ammodendron. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19: 469 (SCI IF2016 = 3.69)

4Gao HJ, Lü XP, , Zhang L, Qiao Y, Zhao Q, Zhang JL* (2018) Transcriptomic profiling and physiological analysis of Haloxylon ammodendron in response to osmotic stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19:84 (SCI IF2016 = 3.69)

5Jiang HY, Zhang JL, Yang JW, Ma HL (2018) Transcript profiling and gene identification involved in the ethylene signal transduction pathways of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) during ISR response induced by butanediol. Molecules 23: 706  (SCI IF2017 = 3.10)

6Sun P, Kang TL, Xing H, Zhang Z, Yang DL, Zhang JL, Paré PW, Li MF (2018) Phytochemical changes in aerial parts of Hypericum perforatum at different harvest stages. Records of Natural Products 12: DOI: 10.25135/rnp. (SCI IF2017 = 1.31)

7Li MF, Paré PW, Zhang JL, Kang TL, Zhang Z, Yang DL, Wang KP, Xing H (2018) Antioxidant capacity connection with phenolic and flavonoid content in Chinese medicinal herbs. Records of Natural Products 12(3): 239-250 (SCI IF2017 = 1.31)

8Su AY, Liu YZ, Niu SQ, He AL, Zhao Q, Han QQ, Lü XP, Paré PW, Sardar AK, Zhang JL* (2017) Synergy effects of beneficial soil bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (GB03) and water retaining agent on drought tolerance of perennial ryegrass. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18: 2651 (SCI IF2017 = 3.69)

9Zhao Q, Li HR, He AL, Han QQ, Nie CY, Wang SM, Zhang JL* (2017) Altererythrobacter soli sp. nov., isolated from desert sand sample. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67: 454-459 (SCI IF2017 = 1.93)

10Han QQ, Wu YN, Xu R, Paré PW, Shi H, Zhao Q, Li HR, Sardar AK, Wang YQ, Wang SM, Zhang JL* (2017) Improved salt tolerance of medicinal plant Codonopsis pilosula by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens GB03. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum: 39(1): 1-7 (SCI IF2017=1.44)

11Bai JP*, Mao J, Yang HY, Khand A, Fanc A, Liuc S, Zhang JL, Wang D, Gao HJ, Zhang JL* (2017) Sucrose non-ferment 1 related protein kinase 2 (SnRK2) genes could mediate the stress responses in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). BMC Genetics 18: 41 (SCI IF2017=2.47)

12Niu SQ, Li HR, Paré PW, Aziz M, Wang SM, Shi HZ, Li J, Han QQ, Guo SQ, Li J, Guo Q, Ma Q, Zhang JL* (2016) Induced growth promotion and higher salt tolerance in the halophyte grass Puccinellia tenuiflora by beneficial rhizobacteria. Plant and Soil 407:217-230 (SCI IF2017 = 3.31)

13Zhao Q, Wu YN, Fan Q, Han QQ, Paré PW, Xu R, Wang YQ, Wang SM, Zhang JL* (2016) Improved growth and metabolites accumulation in Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.) Nannf. by inoculation of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens GB03. Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry 64: 8103-8108 (SCI IF2017= 3.41) 

14Wu YN, Feng YL, Paré PW, Chen YL, Xu R, Wu S, Wang SM, Zhao Q, Li HR, Wang YQ, Zhang JL* (2016) Beneficial soil microbe Bacillus subtilis (GB03) promotes seed germination, growth and photosynthesis in Codonopsis pilosula. Crop & Pasture Science 67(1): 91-98 (SCI IF2014 = 1.31)

15Wang CM, Xia ZR, Wu GQ, Yuan HJ, Wang XR, Li JH, Tian FP, Zhang Q, Zhu XQ, He JJ, Kumar T, Wang XL*, Zhang JL* (2016) The Coordinated regulation of Na+ and K+ in Hordeum brevisubulatum responding to time of salt stress. Plant Science 252: 358-366 (SCI IF2017 = 3.71)

16Bai JP, Gao HJ, Yang HY, Lou Y, Zhang JL, Wang D, Zhang JL* (2016) Comparison of ultrastructural and physiological responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlets to salt and model drought stresses. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 38: 182 (SCI IF2017=1.44)

17Aziz M, Nadipalli R, Xie X, Sun Y, Surowiec K, Zhang JL, Paré PW (2016) Augmenting sulfur metabolism and herbivore defense in Arabidopsis by bacterial volatile signaling. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 458 (SCI IF2014 = 3.68)

18Ma Q, Bao AK, Chai WW, Wang WY, Zhang JL, Li XY, Wang SM (2016) Transcriptomic analysis of the succulent xerophyte Zygophyllum xanthoxylum in response to salt treatment and osmotic stress. Plant and Soil 402: 343-361 (SCI IF2017 = 3.31)

19Hu J, Ma Q, Kumar T, Duan HR, Zhang JL, Yuan HJ, Wang Q, Khan SA, Wang P, Wang SM (2016) ZxSKOR is important for salinity and drought tolerance of Zygophyllum xanthoxylum by maintaining K+ homeostasis. Plant Growth Regulation 80(2): 195-205 (SCI IF2014=1.67)

20Pan YQ, Guo H, Wang SM, Zhao BY, Zhang JL, Ma Q, Bao AK (2016) The photosynthesis, Na+/K+ homeostasis and osmotic adjustment of Atriplex canescens in response to salinity. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 848 (SCI IF2014 = 4.50)

21Gao HJ, Yang HY, Bai JP, Lou Y, Zhang Jun-Lian, Wang D, Zhang JL*, Niu SQ, Chen YL (2015) Ultrastructural and physiological responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlets to gradient saline stress. Frontiers in Plant Science 5: 787 (SCI IF2013 = 3.64)

22Wu GQ, Shui QZ, Wang CM, Zhang JL, Yuan HJ, Li SJ, Liu ZJ (2015) Characteristics of Na+ uptake in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) seedlings under mild salt conditions. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 37(4): 70-76 (SCI IF2014 = 1.58)

23Wang Q, Guan C, Wang P, Lv ML, Ma Q, Wu GQ, Bao AK, Zhang JL, Wang SM (2015) AtHKT1;1 and AtHAK5 mediate low-affinity Na+ uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana under mild salt stress. Plant Growth Regulation 75: 615-623 (SCI IF2014 = 1.67)

24Duan HR, Ma Q, Zhang JL, Hu J, Bao AK, Wei L, Wang Q, Luan S, Wang SM (2015) The inward-rectifying K+ channel SsAKT1 is a candidate involved in K+ uptake in the halophyte Suaeda salsa under saline condition. Plant and Soil 395 (1-2) :173-187 (SCI IF2014 = 2.95)

25Wang Q, Guan C, Wang P, Lv ML, Ma Q, Wu GQ, Bao AK, Zhang JL, Wang SM (2015) AtHKT1;1 and AtHAK5 mediate low-affinity Na+ uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana under mild salt stress. Plant Growth Regulation 75(3): 615-623 (SCI IF2013 = 1.63)

26Han QQ, Lü XP, Bai JP, Qiao Y, Paré PW, Wang SM, Zhang JL*, Wu YN, Pang XP, Xu WB, Wang ZL (2014) Beneficial soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis (GB03) augments salt tolerance of white clover. Frontiers in Plant Science 5: 525 (SCI IF2013 = 3.64)

27Zhang JL*, Aziz M, Qiao Y, Han QQ, Li J, Wang YQ, Shen X, Wang SM, Paré PW (2014) Soil microbe Bacillus subtilis (GB03) induces biomass accumulation and salt tolerance with lower sodium accumulation in wheat. Crop and Pasture Science 65: 423-427 (SCI IF2013 = 1.28) 

28Wang YQ, Zhang JL, Schuchardt F, Wang Y (2014) Degradation of morphine in opium poppy processing waste composting. Bioresource Technology 168: 235-239 (SCI IF2013 = 5.04)

29Ma Q, Li XY, Yuan HJ, Hu J, Wei L, Bao AK, Zhang JL, Wang SM (2014)  ZxSOS1 is essential for long-distance transport and spatial distribution of Na+ and K+ in the xerophyte Zygophyllum xanthoxylum. Plant and Soil 374: 661-676 (SCI IF2013 = 3.24)

30Bao AK, Wang YW, Xi JJ, Liu C, Zhang JL, Wang SM (2014) Co-overexpression of xerophyte Zygophyllum xanthoxylum ZxNHX and ZxVP1-1 enhances salt and drought tolerance in transgenic Lotus corniculatus by increasing cations accumulation. Functional Plant Biology 41: 203-214 (SCI IF2013 = 2.57)

31Zhang JL, Wang SM, Flowers TJ (2013) Differentiation of low-affinity Na+ uptake pathways and kinetics of the effects of K+ on Na+ uptake in the halophyte Suaeda maritima. Plant and Soil 368: 629-640 (SCI IF2013 = 3.24)

32Zhang JL, Shi HZ (2013) Physiological and molecular mechanisms of plant salt tolerance. Photosynthesis Research 115: 1-22 (SCI IF2013 = 3.19)

33Gurmani AR, Bano A, Najeeb U, Zhang JL, Khan SU, Flowers TJ (2013) Exogenously applied silicate and abscisic acid ameliorates the growth of salinity stressed wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings through Na+ exclusion. Australian Journal of Crop Science 7(8): 1123-1130 (SCI IF2011 = 1.63)

34Guo Q, Wang P, Ma Q, Zhang JL, Bao AK, Wang SM (2012) Selective transport capacity for K+ over Na+ is linked to the expression levels of PtSOS1 in halophyte Puccinellia tenuiflora. Functional Plant Biology 39: 1047-1057(SCI IF2013 = 2.57)

35Ma Q, Yue LJ, Zhang JL, Wu GQ, Bao AK, Wang SM (2012) Sodium chloride improves photosynthesis and water status in the succulent xerophyte Zygophyllum xanthoxylum. Tree Physiology 32(1): 4-13 (SCI IF2010=2.403)

36Yue LJ, Li SX, Ma Q, Zhou XR, Wu GQ, Bao AK, Zhang JL, Wang SM (2012) NaCl stimulates growth and alleviates water stress in the xerophyte Zygophyllum xanthoxylum. Journal of Arid Environments 87: 153-160 (SCI IF2013 = 1.82)

37Gurmani AR, Bano A, Khan SU, Din J, Zhang JL* (2011) Alleviation of salt stress by seed treatment with abscisic acid (ABA), 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and chlormequat chloride (CCC) optimizes ion and organic matter accumulation and increases yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Australian Journal of Crop Science 5(10):1278-1285 (SCI IF2010=0.899)

38Zhang JL, Wetson AM, Wang SM, Gurmani AR, Bao AK, Wang CM (2011) Factors associated with determination of root 22Na+ influx in the salt accumulation halophyte Suaeda maritima. Biological Trace Element Research 139(1): 108-117(SCI IF2010=1.523)

39Wu GQ, Xi JJ, Wang Q, Bao AK, Ma Q, Zhang JL, Wang SM (2011) The ZxNHX gene encoding vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter in the xerophyte Zygophyllum xanthoxylum plays important roles in response to salt and drought. Journal of Plant Physiology 168: 758-767 (SCI IF2010=2.677)

40Paré PW, Zhang HM, Aziz M, Xie XT, Kim MS, Shen X, Zhang JL (2011) Beneficial rhizobacteria induce plant growth: mapping signaling networks in Arabidopsis. Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms, Soil Biology 23(2): 403-412

41Zhang JL, Flowers TJ, Wang SM (2010) Mechanisms of sodium uptake by roots of higher plant. Plant and Soil, 326(1): 45-60(SCI IF2010=2.773)

42Zhang JL, Ma JF, Cao ZY (2009) Screening of cold-resistant seedlings of a Chinese wild grape (Vitis piasezkii Maxim Var. pagnucii) native to loess plateau of eastern Gansu province, China, as rootstocks. Scientia Horticulturae, 122: 125-128(SCI IF2010=1.045)

43Wang CM, Zhang JL, Liu XS, Li Z, Wu GQ, Cai JY, Flowers TJ, Wang SM (2009) Puccinellia tenuiflora retains a low Na+ level under salt stress by limiting unidirectional Na+ influx resulting in a high selectivity for K+ over Na+. Plant Cell and Environment, 32, 486-496 (SCI IF2010=5.145)

44Bao AK, Wang SM, Wu GQ, Xi JJ, Zhang JL, Wang CM (2009) Overexpression of the Arabidopsis H+-PPase enhanced the salt and drought tolerance in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Plant Science, 176: 232-240 (SCI IF2010=2.481)

45Wang SM, Zhang JL, Flowers TJ (2007) Low-affinity Na+ uptake in the halophyte Suaeda maritima. Plant Physiology, 145(2): 559-571 (SCI IF2010=6.451)

46Zhang JL*, Xu R, Wang SM, Cao ZY, Ren JZ (2006) Factors affecting in vitro propagation of a Chinese wild grape (Vitis piasezkii Maxim. Var. pagnucii (Planch.) Rehd.): shoot production and rhizogenesis. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 34(3): 217-223 (SCI IF2010=0.247)

47Niu SQ, He AL, Ding XY, Han QQ, Yang H, Lü XP, Zhao Q, Feng YL, Zhang JL* (2016) Effects of beneficial soil bacteria and water retaining agent on growth and salt tolerance in Puccinellia tenuiflora. Plant Physiology Journal, 53(3): 285-292 (in Chinese with English abstract)

48Zhang JL*, Li HR, Guo SY, Wang SM, Shi H, Han QQ, Bao AK, Ma Q (2015) Research advances of higher plant adaptation to salt stress. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 24(12): 220-236 (in Chinese with English abstract)

49Zhang JL, Shi MH, Xu R, Li W, Wang SM (2007) Improving callus induction and differentiation efficiency of in vitro immature embryo of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 23(4): 49-53(in Chinese with English abstract).

50Zhang JL, Chen TX, Yan XB, Lu N, Wang SM (2006) Effects of uniconazole (S3307) on selectivity for Na+, K+ and distribution of free proline in Echinochloa frumentacea. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 15(2): 42-47 (in Chinese with English abstract)

51Zhang JL, Wang SM, Chen TX (2006) Regulation of 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and abscisic acid (ABA) on selectivity for K+ over Na+ and distribution of free proline in Hordeum vulgare. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 15(5): 63-69 (in Chinese with English abstract)

52Zhang JL, Wang SM, Xu R, Cao ZY (2005) Researches and applications of plant In-vitro microgrografting. Plant Physiology Communication, 41(2): 247-252 (in Chinese with English abstract)

53Zhang JL, Chen TX, Wang SM, (2004) The characteristics of free amino acids and free proline distribution in several drought-resistant plants of Alxa Desert, China . Journal of Desert Research, 24(7): 493-499 (in Chinese with English abstract)

54Wu YN, Li J, Zhang JL* (2011) Cloning and sequence analysis of actin gene fragment from Codonopsis pilosula Nannf. Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs, 42(12): 2518-2522 (Accepted, in Chinese with English abstract)

55Li J, Zhao CY,Wu YN, Bao AK, Ma Q, Guo Q, Wang SM, Zhang JL* (2011) Cloning and sequence analysis of HKT1;4 gene fragment from halophyte Puccinellia tenuiflora. Pratacultural Science, 28(6): 969-973(in Chinese with English abstract)

56Xu JH, Yu JL, Wu GQ, Zhang JL*, Wang SM (2011) Sodium compound fertilizer improved drought resistance of Haloxylon ammodendron in desert area. Pratacultural Science, 28(6): 1025-1029(in Chinese with English abstract)

57Li J, Zhao CY, Zhang FS, Wang SM, Bao AK, Zhang JL* (2010) LEA Protein and Plant Stress Tolerance. Plant Physiology Communication, 46(11): 1101-1108 (in Chinese with English abstract)


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