Welcome to school of pastoral agriculture science and technology,lanzhou university



Liu Zhipeng




State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, People’s Republic of China


Position and Education:

5. 2015 – present:          Professor and  Doctoral Supervisor

                                      School of Pastoral Agricultural Science and Technology State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems Lanzhou                                                        University, Lanzhou, China

11. 2009 – 5.2015:         Associate Professor and  Master Supervisor

                                      School of Pastoral Agricultural Science and Technology State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems Lanzhou                                                        University, Lanzhou, China

4. 2014– 4.2015:            Visiting Scholar 

                                       Forage Improvement Division, 

                                       The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation

                                       Ardmore, Oklahoma, USA

12. 2007 – 10. 2009:       Post-doctoral Fellow

                                       College of Life Sciences,

                                       Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

9. 2004 – 11. 2007:         Ph.D Student

                                       Institute of Botany

                                       Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

                                       Ph.D Degree

9. 2001 –7. 2004:            Graduate Student

                                       College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, China 

                                       Institute of Animal Science

                                       Chinese Academy of Agricultural, China (Guest Master)

                                       MS Degree

9. 1997 –7. 2001:            Undergraduate Student

                                       College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, China 

                                       Bachelor Degree

Referred Journal Publications:

1. Wu Yuguo, Liu Jie, Luo Dong, Deng Hao, Zhou Qiang, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. A universal method for rapid identification of alfalfa and burr medic seeds with an emphasis on discriminating different forage species. GrassandForageScience, 2021,76: 353362

2. Jia Chenglin, Dong Deke, Zhou Qiang, Searle Iain, Liu Zhipeng*. Significant cell difference of pod ventral suture in shatter-resistant and shatter-susceptible common vetch accessions. CropScience, 2021, 61:17491759

3. Dong Xueming, Deng Hao, Ma Wenxue, Zhou Qiang, Liu Zhipeng*. Genome-wide identification of the MADSbox transcription factor family in autotetraploid cultivated alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and expression analysis under abiotic stress. BMCGenomics, 2021, 22: 603

4. Mao Pei, Jin Xiaoyu, Bao Qinyan, Mei Cuo, Zhou Qiang, Min Xueyang, Liu Zhipeng*. WRKY transcription factors in Medicago sativa: genome-wide identification and expression analysis under abiotic stress. DNA and Cell Biology, 2020, 12: 5726

5. Mei Cuo, Liu Zhipeng*. Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation system of common vetch (Vicia sativa subsp. nigra). Chinese Journal of Grassland, 2020, 42(05): 17

6. He Jinsheng, Liu Zhipeng, Yao Tuo, Sun Shucun, Lu Zhi, Hu Xiaowen, Cao Guangmin, Wu Xinwei, Li Li, Bu Haiyan, Zhu Jianxiao*. Analysis of the main constraints and restoration techniques of degraded grassland on the Tibetan Plateau. Science & Technology Review,2020, 38(17): 66–80. (In Chinese)

7. Wu Yuguo, Liu Zhipeng, Liu Fang*.Researh progress on biological interraction between cuscuta and their host plants. Chinese Journal of Grassland, 2020,42(04):169178. (In chinese)

8.  Zhou Qiang, Jia Chenglin, Ma Wenxue, Cui Yue, Jin Xiaoyu, Luo Dong, Min Xueyang, Liu Zhipeng*. MYB transcription factors in alfalfa (Medicago sativa): genome-wide identification and expression analysis under abiotic stresses. Peer J,2019, 7: e7714

9. Dong Rui, Sheng Shuheng, Jahufer MZZ, Dong Deke , Luo Dong, Chai Xutian, Luo Kai, Nan Zhibiao, Wang Yanrong*, Liu Zhipeng*. Effect of genotype and environment on agronomical characters of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2019, 66: 15871599

10. Luo Dong, Zhou Qiang, Wu Yuguo, Chai Xutian, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong, Yang Qingchuan, Wang Zengyu, Liu Zhipeng*. Full-length transcript sequencing and comparative transcriptomic analysis to evaluate the contribution of osmotic and ionic stress components towards salinity tolerance in the roots of cultivated alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). BMC Plant Biology,2019, 19: 32

11. Luo Dong, Wu Yuguo, Liu Jie, Zhou Qiang, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong, Yang Qingchuan, Wang Zengyu*, Liu Zhipeng*. Comparative transcriptomic and physiological analyses of Medicago sativa L. indicates that multiple regulatory networks are activated during continuous ABA treatment. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20: 47

12. Shen Shuheng, Chai Xutian, Zhou Qiang, Luo Dong, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Development of polymorphic EST-SSR markers and characterization of the autotetraploid genome of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia). Peer J, 2019, 7: e6542

13. Zhou Qiang, Luo Dong, Chai Xutian, Wu Yuguo, Wang Yanrong, Nan Zhibiao, Yang Qingchuan, Liu Wenxian*, Liu Zhipeng*. Multiple regulatory networks are activated during cold stress in Medicago sativa L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018, 19: 469

14. Dong Deke, Yan Longfeng, Dong Rui, Liu Wenxian, WangYanrong, LiuZhipeng*Evaluation and analysis of pod dehiscence factors in shatter-susceptible and shatter-resistant common vetch. CropScience, 2017, 57: 27702776

15. Dong Rui, Dong Deke, Luo Dong, Zhou Qiang, Chai Xutian, Zhang Jiyu, Xie Wengang, Liu Wenxian, Dong Yang, Wang Yanrong*, ZhipengLiu*.Transcriptome analyses reveal candidate pod shattering-associated genes involved in the pod ventral sutures of common vetch (Viciasativa L.). FrontiersinPlantScience, 2017, 8: 649

16. Liu Wenxian, Xiong Congli, Yan Longfen, Zhang Zhengshe, Ma Lichao, Wang Yanrong, and LiuZhipeng*. Transcriptome analyses reveal candidate genes and events potentially involved in Al stress response in alfalfa. FrontiersinPlantScience, 2017, 8: 26

17. Wu Yuguo, Dong Rui, Luo Dong, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong, LiuZhipeng*. A rapid one-step PCR protocol to distinguish between perennial (Loliumperenne L.) and annual (Lmultiflorum Lam.) ryegrass seeds. Seed Science and Technology, 2017, 45: 444454

18. Zhang Zhengshe, Min Xueyang, Wang Zefu, LiuZhipeng*, Wang Yanrong, Liu Wenxian*. Genome-wide development and utilization of novel intron-length polymorphic (ILP) markers in Medicagosativa. MolelularBreeding, 2017, 37: 87

19. Chai Xutian, Dong Rui, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Optimizing sample size to assess the genetic diversity in common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) populations using start codon targeted (SCoT) markers.Molecules,2017, 22: 567

20. Tao Xiaoli, Ma Lichao, Zhang Zhengshe, Liu Wenxian, and Liu Zhipeng*. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of alfalfa (Medicago sativa)(Leguminosae). Gene Reports. Gene Reports, 2017, 6: 67–73

21. Min Xueyang, Liu Wenxian, Zhang Zhengshe, Wei Xingyi, Qi Xiao, Zhang Yi, Liu Zhipeng, Wang Yanrong*. Construction of SSR marker fingerprint database of standard alfalfa varieties utilizing DUS tests. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2017, 26(11): 47–56. (In Chinese)

22. Zhou Qiang, Luo Dong, Ma Lichao, Xie Wengang, Wang Yu, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Development and cross-species transferability of EST-SSR markers in Siberian wildrye (Elymus sibiricus L.) using Illumina sequencing. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 20549

23. Liu Wenxian, Zhang Zhengshe, Chen Shuangyan, Ma Lichao, Wang Huchen, Dong Rui, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Global transcriptome profiling analysis reveals insight into saliva-responsive genes in alfalfa. Plant Cell Reports, 2016, 35: 561–571.

24. Dong Rui, Jahufer MZZ, Dong Deke, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Characterisation of the morphological variation for seed traits among 537 germplasm accessions of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) using digital image analysis. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 2016, 4: 422–435

25. Wu Fan, Zhang Daiyu, Ma Jinxing, Luo Kai, Di Hongyan, Liu Zhipeng, Zhang Jiyu*, Wang Yanrong. Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure in accessions of the genus Melilotus. Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 85: 84–92

26. Dong Rui, Dong Deke, Shao Kunzhong, Zhou Qiang, Chai Xutian, Dong Yang, Nie Bing, Wang Yanrong, Liu zhipeng*. The digital evaluation of the cracking force of common vetch with the different characteristics of pod shattering. Pratacultural Science, 2016, 33: 2511–2517. (In Chinese)

27. Dong Deke, Dong Rui, Wang Yanrong, Nie Bing, Liu zhipeng*. Study on pod development and ventral suture structure of vicia sativa cultivar Lanjian No.3. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2016, 36: 1376-1382. (In Chinese)

28. Liu Wenxian, Jia XiTao, Liu Zhiming, Zhang Zhengshe, Wang Yanrong*, Liu Zhipeng, Xie Wengang. Development and characterization of transcription factor gene-derived microsatellite (TFGM) markers in Medicago truncatula and their transferability in leguminous and non-leguminous species. Molecules, 2015, 20: 8759–8771

29. Zhang Jiyu, Kong Lingfang, Liu Zhipeng, Jahufer Zulfi, Duan Zhen, HuoYaxin, Di Hongyan, Wang Yanrong*. Stress-induced expression in Arabidopsis with a dehydrin LEA protein from Cleistogenes songorica, a xerophytic desert grass. Plant Omics Journal, 2015. 8: 485–492

30. Zhang Zhengshe, Liu Wenxian*, Qi Xiao, Liu Zhipeng, Xie Wengang, Wang Yanrong*. Genome-wide identification, expression profiling, and SSR marker development of the bZIP transcription factor family in Medicago truncatula. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2015, 61: 218–228

31. Luo Dong, Zhou Qiang, Ma Lichao, Xie Wengang, Wang Yanrong, Hu Xiaowen, Liu Zhipeng*. Novel polymorphic expressed-sequence tag-simple-sequence repeat markers in Campeiostachys nutans for genetic diversity analyses. Crop Science, 2015, 55: 2712–2718

32. Luo Dong, Wang Yanrong, Liuzhipeng*. Research Progress in the Biological Basis of Legume Pod Dehiscence. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 2015, 23: 927–935. (In Chinese)

33. Liu Peng, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Karyotypes analysis of 43 Vicia accesions. Pratacultural Science, 2015, 32: 908–926.  (In Chinese)

34. Liu Peng, Ma lichao, Wang Yu, Liu Zhipeng*. Observation of pollen morphology of 16 Vicia accessions using scanning electron microscopy. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2015 24(1): 107–114.  (In Chinese)

35. Dong Deke, Dong Rui, Liu Zhipeng, Wang Yanrong. Diversity of compound leaf phenotypic characteristics of 532 Vicia sativa germplasms. Pratacultural Science, 2015, 32: 935–941.  (In Chinese)

36. Tao Xiaoli, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Progress in chloroplast genome analysis of herbage. Pratacultural Science, 2015, 32: 978–987.  (In Chinese)

37. Chen Tianlong, Wang Yanrong, Wang Yu, Zhang Jiyu, Liu Zhipeng*. Construction of mutant populations by EMS and phenotypic analysis of Medicago truncatula. Pratacultural Science, 2015, 32: 71–77.  (In Chinese)

38. Liu peng, Ma Lichao, Wang Yu,Liu Zhipeng*. Observation of pollen morphology of 16 vicia accessions using scanning electrion microscopy. Pratacultural Science, 2015, 24: 107–114.  (In Chinese)

39. Zhou Qiang, Chen Tianlong, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. The development of 204 novel EST-SSRs and their use for genetic diversity analyses in cultivated alfalfa. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2014, 57: 227–230

40. Ma Lichao, Wang Yanrong, Liu Wenxian, Liu Zhipeng*. Overexpression of an alfalfa GDP-mannose 3, 5-epimerase gene enhances acid, drought and salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis by increasing ascorbate accumulation. Biotechnology Letters,2014, 36: 2331–2341

41. Liu Wenxian, Zeng Hongmei, Liu Zhipeng, Yang Xiufen, Guo Lihua, Qiu Dewen. Mutational analysis of the verticillium dahliae protein elicitor PevD1identifies distinctive regions responsible for hypersensitive responseand systemic acquired resistance in tobacco. Microbiological Research, 2014, 169: 476–482

42. Luo Dong, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong, Zhang Jjyu, Liu Zhipeng*. Development of a rapid one-step PCR protocol to distinguish between alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and sweet clover (Melilotus spp.) seeds. Seed Science and Technology, 2014, 42: 237–246

43. Liu Zhipeng*, Liu Peng, Luo Ddong, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong. Exploiting Illumina sequencing for the development of 95 novel polymorphic EST-SSR markers in common vetch (Vicia sativa subsp. sativa). Molecules, 2014, 19: 5777–5789

44. Wang Yu, Liu Wenxian, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Research progresses in Medicago truncatula genetic transformation. Pratacultural Science, 2014, 31: 504-511.  (In Chinese)

45. Liu Wenxian, Liu Zhipeng, Xie Wengang, Wang Yanrong*. Responses of fatty acid and its derivatives to stress in plants. Pratacultural Science, 2014, 31: 1556–1565.  (In Chinese)

46. Jia Xitao, Liu Wenxian, Xiewengang, Liu Zhipeng, Liu Zhimin, Wang Yanrong*. Research progresses in Medicago truncatula genetic transformation. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2014, 11: 2176–2187.  (In Chinese)

47. Ma Lichao, Wang Yanrong, Liu Wenxian, Liu Zhipeng*. Expression analysis of seed-specific genes in four angiosperm species with an emphasis on the unconserved expression patterns of homologous genes. Seed Science Research, 2013, 23: 223–231

48. Liu Zhipeng*, Chen Tianlong, Ma Lichao, Zhao Zhiguang, Zhao X. Patrick, Nan Zhibiao, Wang Yanrong. Global transcriptome sequencing using the Illumina platform and the development of EST-SSR markers in autotetraploid alfalfa. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8: e83549.

49. Liu Zhipeng*, Ma Lichao, Nan Zhibiao, Wang Yanrong. Comparative transcriptional profiling provides insights into the evolution and development of the zygomorphic flower of Vicia sativa (Papilionoideae).PLoS ONE, 2013, 8: e57338.

50. Kong Lingfang, Zhang Jiyu*, Liu Zhipeng, Wang Yanrong. Cloning of a S-adenosyl methionine sythetase gene from Cleistogenes songorica and its expression under drought stress. Pratacultural Science, 2013, 22: 268–275.  (In Chinese)

51. Liu peng, Ma Lichao, Wang Yu, Liu Zhipeng*. Observation on pollen morphology of vicia germplasms using scanning electron microscopy. Pratacultural Science, 2013, 30: 1755–1761 (In Chinese)

52. Ma Lichao, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng*. Expression analysis of the Medicago truncatula floral specific expression genes. Hereditas, 2012, 34: 621–634.  (In Chinese)

53. Zhang miaoqing, Zhang Jiyu, Liu Zhipeng, Wang Yanrong*, Zhang Lei. Cloning and analysis of the MADS-box gene WM8 of Elymus nutans. Pratacultural Science, 2012, 21: 141–150.  (In Chinese)

54. Zhang Miaoqing, Wang Yanrong*, Zhang Jiyu,Liu Zhipeng, Zhang Lei, Nie Bing, Zhou Jing. A study on genetic diversity of reproductive characters in Elymus nutans germplasm resources. Pratacultural Science, 2011, 20: 182–191.  (In Chinese)

55. Zhang Lei, Liu Zhipeng, Wang Yanrong*. Isolation and analysis of AGAMOUS Homologous Gene and its promoter from Vicia sativa L. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2011, 37: 1735–1742.  (In Chinese)

56. Zhang Lei, Liu Zhipeng, Zhang Jiyu, Zhang Lei, Wang Yanrong*. Cloning and sequencing of GAPDH gene from Vicia sativa. Pratacultural Science, 2011, 28: 753–757.  (In Chinese)

57. Liu Zhipeng, Zhang Jiyu, Wang Yanrong*. Research advances in genetic regulation of gametophyte development in Medicago sativa. Pratacultural Science, 2011, 20: 270–278.  (In Chinese)

58. Liu Zhipeng, Zhang Jiyu, Wang Yanrong*. Functions of autophagy in plant growth and development. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2010, 30: 2141–2149.  (In Chinese)

59. Zhang Lei, Liu Zhipeng, Zhang Jiyu, Zhang Miaoqing, Wang Yanrong*. Cloning and sequencing of two actin genes from Vicia sativa. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2010, 9: 70–75.  (In Chinese)

60. Liu Zhipeng, Chen Zhongyue, Pan Jin, Li Xiaofeng, Su Man, Wang Lijuan, Li Hongjie, Liu Gongshe*. Phylogenetic relationships in Leymus Poaceae: Triticeae revealed by the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer and chloroplast trnL-F sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2008, 46: 278–289

61. Liu Zhipeng, Li Xiaofeng, Li Hongjie, Yang Qingchuan, Liu Gongshe*. The genetic diversity of perennial Leymus chinensis originating from China. Grass and Forage Science, 2007, 62: 27–34

62. Liu Zhipeng, Liu Gongshe, Yang Qingchuan*. A novel statistical method for assessing SSR variation in autotetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.).Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2007, 30: 385–391

63. Liu Xiaoli, Hua Xuejun, Guo Juan, Wang Lijuan, Liu Zhipeng, Jin Zhiping, Chen Shuangyan, Liu Gongshe*. Enhanced tolerance to drought stress in transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing VTE1 for increased tocopherol production from Arabidopsis thaliana. Biotechnology Letters, 2008, 30: 1275–1280

64. Yan Longfeng, Han Jianguo, Yang Qingchuan, Sun Yan, Kang Junmei, Liu Zhipeng, Wu Mingsheng. Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding a papain-like cysteine protease from alfalfa. Mitochondrial DNA, 2008, 19: 274–281

65. Liu Zhipeng, Wang Nengfei, Zhao Aiyun, Liu Gongshe*. The  evolution  and  expression  of  low-copy  nuclear  genes  in  allopoly-ploid plants. Hereditas, 2007, 29: 163–171 (In Chinese)

66. Liu Zhipeng, Yang Qingchuan, Hu Tianming, Yan Longfeng, Wang Chao. Genetic diversity of autotetraploid alfalfa with different salt-tolerant trait based on SSR marker analysis. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2006, 32: 630–632.  (In Chinese)

67. Yang Qingchuan, Liu Zhipeng, Hu Tianming, Hu Xiaoyan. Application of DNA molecular markers in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) research. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2004, 6: 31–34.  (In Chinese)

68. Liu Zhipeng, Yang Qingchuan, Hu Tianming. Progress of the research on bloat-reduced Medicago stativa. Journal of Sichuan Grassland, 2003, 5: 7–8.  (In Chinese)

69. Liu Zhipeng, Yang Qingchuan, Hu Tianming. Research advance of genetic basic and breeding for branch- rooted alfalfa. Chinese Journal of Grassland, 2003, 25: 66–71.  (In Chinese)

70. Yan Longfeng, Yang Qingchuan, Han Jianguo, Liu Zhipeng. Summary of cysteine protease in plants. Pratacultural Science, 2005, 14: 11–19.  (In Chinese)

(* Correspondence author)


1. Liu Zhipeng, Luo Dong, Liu Jie, Yan Longfeng, Hong Jun, Liu Fang, Wu Yuguo, Wang Yanrong (issued January 15, 2021). 抗逆性相关蛋白质及其编码基因和应用. Chinese Invention Patent No. ZL201910756657.3

2. Liu Zhipeng, Luo Dong, Liu Jie, Yan Longfeng, Hong Jun, Liu Fang, Wu Yuguo, Wang Yanrong (issued January 15, 2021). 一种抗逆性相关蛋白质及其编码基因和应用. Chinese Invention Patent No. ZL201910756659.2

3. Liu Zhipeng, Pu Jun (issued April 2, 2021). 易裂荚种子的收集装置. Chinese Utility Model Patent No. ZL202022010714.4

4. Yan Longfeng, Shen Shuheng, Liu Zhipeng, Chen Xiaoping, Wang Yanrong  (issued April 27, 2021). 引物对、试剂和试剂盒及其应用和鉴定紫花苜蓿产品中是否含有花生的方法. Chinese Invention Patent No. ZL201810521809.7

5. Yan Longfeng, Shen Shuheng, Liu Zhipeng, Luo Dong, Wang Yanrong (issued May 14, 2021). 引物对及包含其的试剂盒、用途和检测蒺藜苜蓿生态型A17和R108的方法. Chinese Invention Patent No. ZL201810532326.7

6. Yan Longfeng, Shen Shuheng, Liu Zhipeng, Liu Bing, Luo Dong, Bao Qinyan, Wang Yanrong (issued May 14, 2021). 引物对、试剂盒及用途和检测紫花苜蓿产品中是否含有大豆的方法. Chinese Invention Patent No. ZL201810517939.3

7. Wu Yuguo, Yan Longfeng, Liu Zhipeng, Hong Jun, Liu Fang, Wang Yanrong, Wei Zhenwu, Zhang Yu (issued August 11, 2020).鉴定苜蓿种子真伪的特异分子标记及其应用. Chinese Invention Patent No. ZL 201910661379.3

8. Pu Jun, Liu Zhipeng, Cao Bo, Zhou Qiang, Mao Pei, Wu Yuguo (issued September 18, 2020). 可旋转花盆. Chinese Utility Model Patent No. ZL201922094917.3

9. Liu Zhipeng, Wang Yu, Ma Lichao, Xie Wengang,Wang Yanrong (issued October 21, 2016). 老芒麦幼穗离体培养再生植株的方法. Chinese Invention Patent No. 201410528793.4

10. Liu Zhipeng, Wang Yu, Ma Lichao, Wang Yanrong (issued September 14, 2016). 垂穗披碱草幼穗离体培养再生植株方法. Chinese Invention Patent No. 201410527976.4

11. Liu Zhipeng, Luo Dong, Ma Lichao, Wang Yanrong, Wang Yu (issued April 20, 2016). 鉴定老芒麦种子真伪的特异分子标记试剂盒及其检测方法. Chinese Invention Patent No. 20141022961.2

12. Dong Rui, Wang Yanrong, Liu Zhipeng, Dong Deke (issued March 23, 2016). 检测箭筈豌豆裂荚率的装置及其方法. Chinese Invention Patent No. 201510347598.6

13. Liu Zhipeng, Liu peng, Luo Dong, Wang Yanrong, Tai Jianhui, Wang Yu (issued August 26, 2015). 鉴定多年生黑麦草种子真伪的特异分子标记试剂盒及其方法. Chinese Invention Patent No. 201410023022.X

14. Liu Zhipeng, Liu Peng, Ma Lichao, Wang Yanrong, Tai Jianhui (issued October 8, 2014). 鉴定高丹草种子真伪的试剂盒及其检测方法. Chinese Invention Patent No. 201310477580.9

15. Liu Zhipeng, Ma Lichao, Wang Yanrong (issued July 7, 2013). 鉴定紫花苜蓿种子真伪的试剂盒及其检测方法. Chinese Invention Patent No. ZL201210012201.4


1. Liu Zhipeng*. Distribution and germplasm phenotypic diversity of sheepgrass (Leymus chinensis). Chapter 2 of Book: Sheepgrass (Leymus chinensis): An environmentally friendly native grass for animals. ISBN 978-981-13-8632-9. Science Press and Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, 2019, 5365

Invited Oral Presentations

      1. Liu Zhipeng (2015) Development of EST-SSR markers and analyses of genetic diversity in Siberian wildrye (Elymus sibiricus L.). Speaker at the 9th international symposium on molecular breeding of forage and turf, August 8, 2016, Lanzhou, China

      2. Liu Zhipeng (2015) Development of a PCR protocol to rapidly distinguish between similar herbage seeds. Speaker at the 8th International Herbage Seed Conference, June 23, Lanzhou, China

Scientific Research Project

The host of the Strategic Pilot Projects of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Project No. XDA26030103): 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)创建生态草牧业科技体系, 子课题“苜蓿新品种定向分子选育”. Timeline: 2020.11–2025.10 

The host of Projects of the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Project No. 2019YFC0507702): 草地恢复的植物种源调控及补给技术体系研发. Timeline: 2020.1.1–2022.6.30

The host of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 32071862): 基因组水平解析箭筈豌豆裂荚遗传变异的分子机理. Timeline: 2021.1.1–2024.12.31

The host of the Major Special Program of Gansu Province (Project No. 19ZD2NA002) : 箭筈豌豆抗裂荚遗传选育. Timeline: 2019.1.1–2023.12.31 

The host of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 31722055): 牧草育种学. Timeline: 2018.1–2020.12

The host of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 31672476): ABA介导MsDIUP1参与紫花苜蓿响应干旱的分子机理. Timeline: 2017.01–2020.12

The host of the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Plan,Project No. 2014CB1387): 子课题名称: 重要牧草, 乡土草落粒, 裂荚和闭花授粉的生物学基础.Timeline: 2014.1–2018.12

 The host of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 31272492): 紫花苜蓿种子发育分子机理的研究,Timeline: 2013.01–2016.12

The host of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 1072072): MsE58基因调控紫花苜蓿配子体发育分子机理的研究. Timeline: 2011.01–2013.12

The host of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 30800593): 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金: 茉莉素和赤霉素信号互作调控植物雄性不育的分子机理. Timeline: 2009.01–2011.12


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