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Zhang Xingxu


  PERSONAL DATA                   

  Name Xing-xu Zhang                      

  Sex Male

  Date of birth10th August, 1983


  Marital statusMarried with one daughter

  nstitution:College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University (LZU);Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute (GGERI);State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems (SKLGAE).

  Address P. O. Box 61, Lanzhou, 730020, Gnasu, China

  Telephone:+86 931 8914233 (Office)

  Fax:+86 931 8910979, 8661047

  Emai:lxxzhang@lzu.edu.cn or zxx723810@163.com.


2012 PhD of Grassland Science in Pastoral Plant Pathology, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou city, Gansu, China. Superwise: Professor Zhi-biao Nan.

2008 Master degree of Agricultural Science in Plant Pathology, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou city, Gansu, China. Superwise: Professor Chun-jie Li.

2005 Bachelor degree of Biology Science, Department of Biology Science, Hexi University, Zhangye city, Gansu, China. Superwise: Professor Fen-qin Zhang.


May 2014~ present Associate Professor, Supervisor of Master Graduates

January 2011~ April 2014  Lecturer

January 2011~present  State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems, 

College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, 

Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China.


September 2015 to October 2015, took part in the 9th ISFE Conference.

March 2018 to April 2019, working and  studying as visiting scholar in IEG, OU of USA.



2012~: Agricultural Microbiology

2013~: Pastoral Plant and Turfgrass Protection


2014~: Plant protection in Grassland Science

Agricultural Extension Postgraduates

2014~: Comprehensive management for pests and plant pathogen of grasslands



Plant diseases and their control in Grassland

Seed pathology & seed health evaluation

Screening of elite varieties of forage legumes under alpine grassland

Symbiosis of grasses and Epichloë endophytes in China

Association of Epichloë endophytes and drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians) under the stress

Interaction between the endophyte and root-associated fungi of grass under stress


1.Xia Chao, Li Nana, Zhang Yawen, Li Chunjie, Zhang Xingxu(*), Nan Zhibiao. Role of Epichloë endophytes in defense responses of cool-season grasses to pathogens: a review. Plant Disease, 2018, Posted online on 22 Jun 2018, First Look online. (SCI 1区)

2.Xia Chao, Christensen Michael J, Zhang Xingxu(*), Nan Zhibiao. Effect of Epichloë gansuensis endophyte and transgenerational effects on the water use efficiency, nutrient and biomass accumulation of Achnatherum inebrians under soil water deficit. Plant and Soil, 2018, 424:555-571. (SCI 1区)

3.Li Nana, Xia Chao, Zhong Rui, Ju Yawen, Nan Zhibiao, Christensen Michael J, Zhang Xingxu(*). Interactive effects of water stress and powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) on the alkaloid production of Achnatherum inebrians, infected by Epichloë endophyte. Science China Life Sciences, 2018, 61, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-017-9245-y.

4.Zhong Rui, Xia Chao, Ju Yawen, Li Nana, Zhang Xingxu(*), Nan Zhibiao, Christensen Michael J. Effects of Epichloë gansuensis on root-associated fungal communities of Achnatherum inebrians under different growth conditions. Fungal Ecology, 2018, 31:29-36.

5.Wang Jianfeng, Nan Zhibiao, Christensen Michael J, Zhang Xingxu, Tian Pei, Zhang Zhixin, Niu Xueli, Gao Peng, Ma Lixia. Effect of Epichloë gansuensis endophyte on the nitrogen metabolism, nitrogen use efficiency, and stoichiometry of Achnatherum inebrians under nitrogen limitation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.7606158. (SCI 1区)

6.Zhang Yuping, Zhou Yanfei, Zhang Xingxu, Duan Tingyu, Nan Zhibiao. Effects of Epichloë endophyte on antioxidant enzymes activities, photosynthesis and growth of three ecotypes of Elymus dahuricus. Frontiers in Agriculture and Science Engineer, 2018, 5(1):148-158.

7.Chen Tao, Nan Zhibiao, Zhang Xingxu, Hou Fujiang, Christensen Michael J, Baskin Carol. Does dormancy protect seeds against attack by the pathogenic fungus Fusarium tricinctum in a semiarid grassland of Northwest China? Plant and Soil, 2018, 422:155-168. (SCI 1区)

8.Song Qiuyan, Yu Haitao, Zhang Xingxu, Nan Zhibiao(*), Gao Kun. Dahurelmusin A, a            

hybrid peptide-polyketide from Elymus dahuricus infected by the Epichloë bromicola endophyte. Organic Letters, 2017, 19(1):298-300. (SCI 1区)

9.Xia Chao, Li Nana, Feng Yao, Zhang Xingxu(*), Michael J. Christensen, Nan Zhibiao. Epichloë endophyte improves photosynthesis ability and dry matter production of its host Achnatherum inebrians infected by Blumeria graminis under various soil water conditions. Fungal Ecology, 2016, 22, 26-34.

10.Zhang Xingxu, Xia Chao, Nan Zhibiao(*). Effects of symbiotic Epichloë gansuensis endophyte on drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians) growth and seed production. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 2015, 58(2):234-240.

11.Song Qiuyan, Nan Zhibiao(*), Gao Kun, Song Hui, Tian Pei, Zhang Xingxu, Li   Chunjie, Xu Wenbo, Li Xiuzhang. Antifungal, phytotoxic, and cytotoxic activities of metabolites from Epichloë bromicola, a fungus obtained from Elymus tangutorum grass. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, 63, 8787-8792. (SCI 1区)

12.Zhang Xingxu, Xia Chao, Li Chunjie, Nan Zhibiao(*). Chemical composition and antifungal activity of the volatile oil from Epichloë gansuensis, endophyte-infected and non-infected Achnatherum inebrians. Science China Life Sciences, 2015, 58(5):512-514.

13. Xia Chao, Zhang Xingxu(co-first author), Michael J. Christensen, Nan Zhibiao(*), Li Chunjie. Neotyphodium endophyte increases drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians) resistance to powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) under various soil moisture conditions. Fungal Ecology, 2015, 16:26-33. 

14.Zhou Lianyu, Li Chunjie(*), Zhang Xingxu, Johnson Richard, Bao Gensheng, Yao Xiang, Chai Qing. Effects of cold shocked Epichloe infected Festuca sinensis on ergot alkaloid accumulation. Fungal Ecology, 2015, 14:99-104.

15.Zhou Lianyu, Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie(*), Michael Christensen, Nan Zhibiao. Antifungal activity and phytochemical investigation of the asexual endophyte of Epichloë sp. from Festuca sinensis. Science China Life Sciences, 2015, 58(8):821-826. 

16.Zhang Xingxu, Nan Zhibiao(*), Li Chunjie, Gao Kun. Cytotoxic effect of ergot alkaloids in Achnatherum inebrians infected by the Neotyphodium gansuense endophyte. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62, 7419-7422. (SCI 1区)

17.Zhang Xingxu, Wu Yanpei, Nan Zhibiao(*). Antifungal activity of petroleum ether extracts from Achnatherum inebrians infected with Neotyphodium gansuense. Science China Life Sciences, 2014, 57: 1234-1235. 

18.Qiang Yin(*), Zhang Xingxu, Liu Hui, Xu Yourui. Chemical constituents of Alisma orientalis. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2014, 49(6):1143-1145. 

19.Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie(*), Nan Zhibiao, Matthew Cory. Neotyphodium endophyte increases Achnatherum inebrians (drunken horse grass) resistance to herbivores and seed predators. Weed Research, 2012, 52(1):70-78.

20. Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie(*), Nan Zhibiao. Effects of cadmium stress on seed germination and seedling growth of Elymus dahuricus infected with the Neotyphodium endophyte. Science China Life Sciences, 2012, 55(9):793-799. 

21.Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie(*), Nan Zhibiao. Effects of salt and drought stress on alkaloid production in endophyte-infected drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2011, 39:471-476. 

22.Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie(*), Nan Zhibiao. Effects of cutting frequency and height on alkaloid production in endophyte-infected drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). Science China Life Sciences, 2011, 54(6):567-571.

23.Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie(*), Nan Zhibiao. Effects of cadmium stress on growth and anti-oxidative systems in Achnatherum inebrians symbiotic with Neotyphodium gansuense. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 175:703-709. (SCI 1区)

24. Zhang Xingxu, Fan Xiaomei, Li Chunjie(*), Nan Zhibiao. Effects of cadmium stress on seed germination, seedling growth and antioxidative enzymes in Achnatherum inebrians plants infected with a Neotyphodium endophyte. Plant Growth Regulation, 2010, 60(2):91-97. 

25.Chen Na, Yang Yanzhuo, Yang Xiaoli, Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie(*). Twelve polymorphic microsatellite loci for Achnatherum inebrians (Poaceae). Conservation Genetics, 2008, 9(4):961-963.

26.Zhong Rui, Zhou Xiaorong, Zhang Zhiqin, Xia Chao, Li Nana, Zhang Xingxu(*). Effects of Epichloë gansuensis on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spore diverisity in rhizosphere soil of drunken horse grass under different growth conditions. Pratacultural Science, 2017, 34(8):1627-1634. (In Chinese with English abstract)

27.Li Nana, Zhao Yufeng, Xia Chao, Zhong Rui, Zhang Xingxu(*). Effects of thiophanate methyl on seed borne Epichloë fungal endophyte of Achnatherum inebrians. Pratacultural Science, 2017, 33(7):1306-1314. (In Chinese with English abstract)

28.Wan Zhiwen, Wang Ping, Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie(*). Effects of manganese ans SA on germination of Achnatherum inebrians seed containing or free endophyte. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 2016, 24(1):107-113. (In Chinese with English abstract)

29.Bao Gensheng, Zhang Xingxu, Li Xiuzhang, Wei Xiaoxin, Li Chunjie(*). Incidence and isolation of endophyte in native grasses of Qinghai Plateau. Pratacultural Science, 2015, 32(12):1997-2007. (In Chinese with English abstract)

30.Xia Chao, Zhong Rui, Zhang Xingxu(*), Nan Zhibiao. Allelopathic effects of volatile compounds from endophyte-free and infected Achnatherum inebrians on Lolium perenne. Pratacultural Science, 2015, 32(5):658-666. (In Chinese with English abstract)

31.Sun Yidan, Zhang Xingxu, Gu Lijun, Li Xiuzhang, Wang Ping, Li Chunjie(*). Antifungal activity of the crude extraction of endophyte-infected and endophyte-free drunken horse grass. Pratacultural Science, 2015, 32(4):508-514. (In Chinese with English abstract)

32.Wang Ping, Zhang Xingxu, Zhao Xiaojing, Li Chunjie(*). Effects of ethphon and salicylic acid on growth and ergot alkaloids concentrations of Achnatherum inebrians seedling. Pratacultural Science, 2014, 31(11):2113-2118. (In Chinese with English abstract)

33.Zhang Xingxu, Nan Zhibiao(*), Li Chunjie. Research progress of improved resistance of the grass to the heavy metal stress by endophyte. Pratacultural Science, 2014, 31(08):1466-1474. (In Chinese with English abstract)

34.Wang Ping, Zhang Xingxu, Zhao Xiaojing, Li Chunjie(*). Effects of three metal ions on growth and physio-biochemical response of Achnatherum inebrians. Pratacultural Science, 2014, 31(06):1080-1086. (In Chinese with English abstract)

35.Tuo Haodong, Yang Song, Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie(*), Nan Zhibiao. Effects of extracts from Hordeum brevisubulatum infected by endophytic fungi on germination and growth of three turf grasses. Pratacultural Science, 2011, 28(12):2107-2111. (In Chinese with English abstract)

36.Zhang Xingxu, Li Chunjie(*), Nan Zhibiao. Interactive effects of storage time and endophytic fungi on seed physiology of Achnatherum inebrians (Hance) Keng. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 2010, 18(02):252-257. (In Chinese with English abstract)

37.Zhang Xingxu, Chen Na, Li Chunjie(*), Nan Zhibiao. Physiological effects Rhopalosiphum padi on  Achnatherum inebrians Keng infected by endophyte. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 2008, 16(03):239-246, 261. (In Chinese with English abstract)


Leading project “Biological activities of alkaloids from Achnatherum inebrians/ Neotyphodium gansuense” funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (2015-2017).

Leading project “Mechanisms research about endophyte improve drought stress tolerance

of Achnatherum inebrians” funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (2018-2021).

Leading project “Research for the improvement of the grassland dominated by the drunken horse grass ” funded by the the Open Foundation of Research institute of Qilian Mountains, Lanzhou University (504000-87080305, 2018-2019).

Taking part in a subproject “Symbionts of grass/Neotyphodium endophytes” of “Mechanisms, genetic variation and selection of resistance to biotic stresses in forage and native plants” by National Basic Research Program (973, 2014-2018).


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