Welcome to school of pastoral agriculture science and technology,lanzhou university



Wang Hucheng


Name: Wang Hucheng 

Nationality: Chinese

Mother tongue: Chinese

Foreign language:  English 


Present Address: 768# Jiayuguan West Road, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou, Gansu, P. R. China. 730020.

E-mail: wanghuch@lzu.edu.cn


2006—2009  College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, P. R. China. Major in Grassland Ecology and Ruminant Nutrition. Ph.D was conferred in June, 2009. 

Dissertation: “Urinary purine derivative excretion as a method for estimation of rumen microbial protein production of yak in Qing-hai Tibetan plateau” Advised by Prof. Long Ruijun.

2003—2006 College of Animal Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu, P. R. China. Major in Animal Nutrition and Feed Science. Master’s degree was conferred in June, 2006. 

Dissertation:“Influence of dietary cation-anion difference & urease inhibitor (Acetohydroxamic Acid) on rumen parameters and nutrients metabolism of sheep fed maize straw ” Advised by Prof. Wei Shilai & Prof. Li Fadi.

1999—2003  College of Animal Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu, P. R. China. Major in Animal Science. Bachelor’s degree was conferred in June, 2003. 

Dissertation: “Effect of dietary nutritional level on digestibility of Gansu Yellow Chicken” Advised by Prof. Wei Shilai.


May 2012 – present Associate Professor, Lanzhou University, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology. Lanzhou, Gansu Province, P. R. China.

Feb. 2014 – Feb.2015 Visiting scholar, Virginia Tech, Department of Animal and Poultry Science, Blacksburg city, Virginia, USA

Sept. 2009 – May 2012 Lecturer, Lanzhou University, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology. Lanzhou, Gansu Province, P. R. China.


Editorial Activity

2009 – Present Pratacultural Science, Ad Hoc reviewer. 

2009 – Present Acta Prataculturae Sinica, Ad Hoc reviewer.

2014 – Present Animal Science Journal, Ad Hoc reviewer.


2016-2018 Team leader. Research on key techniques for high quality forage to finishing beef cattle. Supported by the Science and Technology Fundamental Plan of Dingxi City, P. R. China.

2014-2016 Team leader. Research on cloning of PepT1 gen and its regulation of on small peptides absorption for yak Supported by the National Nature Fund.

2014-2015 Team leader. Research on cloning and expression regulation of PepT2 for yak. Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.

2012-2013 Team leader. Response of yak’s rumen microbial protein yield to seasonal dynamic of alpine meadow pasture nutrition. Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. 

2009-2010 Team leader. The use of purine derivatives/creatinine ratio in spot urine samples as an index of microbial protein supplying in Yak. Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. 

2006-2010  Team member. Range enclosure on the Tibetan Plateau of China: Impacts on pastoral livelihoods, marketing, livestock productivity and rangeland biodiversity. Funded the Sixth Framework of EC. 

2006-2009 Team member, Development and Use or Rumen Molecular Techniques for Predicting and Enhancing Yak Productivity. Funded by IAEA

Undergraduate & Graduate Courses Taught

Spring:Lanzhou University, ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEED SCIENCE, 54 credit hours.

Fall:Lanzhou University, ADVANCED ANIMAL NUTRITION, 54 credit hours. 

RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS (First and corresponding author * )

Zhang X., Fu X., Wang H*, Hou M., Shang Z. Effects of Packaging Forage Sweet Sorghum Silage on Performance and Serum Indexes of Mutton Sheep, Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition, 2018,30(5) : 1771-1780.

Hou M., Fu X., Shang Z., Wang H*. Effects of forage sweet sorghums silage on the metabolic parameters in the rumen of small- tailed han sheep. Pratacultural Science, 2018, 35( 5) :1232-1239.

Fu X., Hou M., Shang Z., Wang H*. Effects of forage sweet sorghums silage on nutrient utilization in mutton sheep. Pratacultural Science, 2018, 35( 5) :1240-1246.

Hou M.,Zhang X.,Shi F.,Wang H*. Sampling of visceral tissues from Bovines in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and techniques of their RNA preservation. Pratacultural Science, 2018,35( 3) : 645-653.

Shi F., Wang Y., Fu X., Hou M., Wang H*. Metrological characteristic of nitrogen and phosphorus in grassland ecosystem under different grazing intensity in east of Qilian mountain. Acta Ecolagiae Animalis Domastic, 2017,38(3):61-67.

Fu X., Zhang X., Wang H* Composition of amino acids in rumen fluid of yak and it correlation with forage in alpine meadow. Acta Ecolagiae Animalis Domastic, 2017,38(4):48-67.

Liang Y., Wang H. (Equal contributor), Li C., Nan Z., Li F. Effects of feeding drunken horse grass infected with Epichloë gansuensis endophyte on animal performance, clinical symptoms and physiological parameters in sheep. BMC Veterinary Research, 2017,13 (1) :223-229.

Wang H.,Shi F., Hou M., Fu X., Long R. Cloning of oligopeptide transport carrier PepT1 and comparative analysis of PepT1 messenger ribonucleic acid expression in response to dietary nitrogen levels in yak (Bos grunniens) and indigenous cattle (Bos taurus) on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Journal of Animal Science, 2016,94(8):3431-3340.

Shi F., Wang H*. A preliminary study on the safety traceability management system of grasses and animal products. Pratacultural Science, 2016,33(1):164-170.

Yin Q.,Gao T.,Liu H.,Wei C.,Wang H*. Application of Dry-Weight-Rank Method in estimating biomass of natural grassland. Pratacultural Science, 2015, 32( 3) :464-469.

Wang H., Ye D., Zhou J., Long R. Response of urinary purine derivatives excretion to yeast RNA infusion level in yak abomasums. Acta Prataculturat Sinica, 2012, 21(1):248-253.

Wang H., Zhou J., Long R. Preliminary comparative study on rumen fermentation for grazing yak (Abstract). Proceeding of 11th National Symposium on the Animal Nutrition. Hunan, China. October 19-21, 2012.

Wang H., Long R., Shang Z., Cui G. Preliminary comparative study on antioxidant capacities of yak. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2011, A1(8):1333-1335.

Wang H., Liang J.B., Long R., Guo X., Ding L., Shang Z. Comparison of Nitrogen Metabolism in Yak (Bos grunniens) and Indigenous Cattle (Bos taurus) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2011, 24(6):766-773.

Wang H., Long R., Zhou W., Li X., Zhou J., Guo X. A comparative study on urinary purine derivative excretion for yak (Bos grunniens), cattle (Bos taurus) and crossbred (Bos grunniens× Bos taurus) in Qing-hai Tibetan plateau, China. Journal of Animal Science, 2009, 87(7):2355-2362.

Wang H.,Long R., Guo X. Urinary purine derivative excretion as an index for estimating rumen microbial nitrogen yield of yak in the Qinghai-Tibetan. Proceeding of ASAS-CAAV Asia Pacific Rim conference, Beijing, China. November 8-10, 2009.

Wang H., Long R., Ma Y., Yang F., Li X. A review: urinary purine derivatives as an index for estimating rumen microbial protein yield. Feed Industry, 2008, 29(1):47-51. 

Wang H., Wei S., Li F., Long R. Effect of dietary cation-antion difference on rumen parameters of sheep fed maize straw. Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology, 2008, 29(2): 35- 44.

Wang H., Long R., Wei S., Hao Z., Ma Y. Effect of dietary cation-antion difference on sheep production performances. Animal Husbandry and Feed Science, 2008, 2: 61-64. 

Wang H., Wei S., Hao Z. Influence of urea and urease inhibitor association on sheep rumen metabolism in vitro. Journal of Gansu Agricultural University, 2007, 42(4): 16-19. 

Wang H., Long R., Wei S., Hao Z., Ma Y. Effect of dietary cation-antion difference on nutrient digestibility for sheep fed maize straw. Feed Industry, 2006, 27 (23): 26-30.


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