Li Xudong

2018-07-18 08:48:00


Dr. Xu-Dong Li is an associate Professor of State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems and College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University. He obtained his PhD (2011) in Lanzhou University, China, and had worked in Lanzhou University where he has remained as a lecturer, associate Professor. Dr. Li has won the Wang Dong Grass-Science Scholarship (2010), and has been awarded the First prize in science and technology progress in Gansu (2011). He had been to the Natural Resource Ecology laboratory at Colorado State University in the USA as a visiting scholar for one year (2016-2017).

Currently Dr. Li’s main research interests concern Soil nutrition and carbon cycle in grasslands. He has published over 10 papers in international journals including Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Science of the Total Environment, etc.

Address:768 West Jiayuguan Road, Lanzhou 730020, P.R.China

State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems,

College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, 

Lanzhou University

Telephone: 86-931-8663778 (lab) 

Fax: 86-931-8663778


MAIN PUBLICATIONS (2008- Present):

Xudong Li, Hua Fu, Xiaodong Li, Ding Guo, Xiaoyu Dong, Changgui Wan. Effects of land use regimes on carbon sequestration in the Loess Plateau,northern China. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 2008, 51:45-52. DOI:10.1080/00288230809510434

Xudong Li, Hua Fu, Ding Guo, Xiaodong Li, Changgui Wan. Partitioning soil respiration and assessing the carbon balance in a Setaria italica (L.) Beauv. cropland on the Loess Plateau, northern China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2010,42:337-346.

Xudong Li, Chunping Zhang, Hua Fu, Ding Guo, Xiongru Song, Changgui Wan, Jizhou Ren. Grazing exclusion alters soil microbial respiration, root respiration and the soil carbon balance in grasslands of the Loess Plateau, northern China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2013, 59: 877-887.  DOI:10.1080/00380768.2013.862157  

Ding Guo, Xudong Li, Xiaodong Li, Jing Wang, Hua Fu. Conventional tillage increases soil microbial biomass and activity in the Loess Plateau, China. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil & Plant Science. 2013, 63(6): 489-496. DOI:10.1080/09064710.2013.807356

Chunping Zhang, Decao Niu, Sharon J. Hall, Haiyan Wen, Xudong Li, Hua Fu. Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on soil respiration components and their temperature sensitivities in a semiarid grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry,2014, 75: 113—123.

Han huige, Li xudong, Niu decao, Sharon J Hall, Guo ding, Wan changgui, Jennifer K Learned, Fu hua. Conventional tillage improves the storage of soil organic carbon in heavy fraction in the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Arid Land. 2015. 7(5):636-643. 

Chunping Zhang, Xudong Li, Haiyan Wen, Changgui Wan, Hua Fua. Variation of Q10 values in a fenced and a grazed grassland on the loess plateau, northwestern China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2015. 61(4): 629-640.  DOI:10.1080/00380768.2015.1036307 

Xudong Li, Ding Guo, Chunping Zhang, Decao Niu, Hua Fu, Changgui Wan. Contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration in a semi-arid grassland on the Loess Plateau, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 627: 1209-1217.


The National Key R & D Program of China (2016YFC0500506). Jul. 2016-Jun. 2020.

The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (lzujbky-2013-79). Jan. 2013-Jun.2014.

The National Support Project for Science and Technology in China (2012BAD13B05 ). Jan. 2012-Dec. 2016.


2011, The First Prize in Science and Technology Progress in Gansu.


2007-2011  Ph.D.  Soil Ecology,  Lanzhou University, China.

2005-2007  M.Sc.  Soil Ecology,  Lanzhou University, China.


    Jun.2015-Present: associate Professor, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.

    Feb.2016-Feb.2017: Visiting Scholar, Natural Resource Ecology laboratory at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA. Supervisor: Professor M. Francesca Cotrufo

Jan.2010-Sep.2015: lecturer, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.

Sep.2007-Dec.2011: Ph.D. Soil Ecology, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University

Supervisor: Prof. Ji-Zhou Ren and Prof. Hua Fu

    Sep.2005-Jul.2007: M. Sc. Soil Ecology, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University 

Supervisors: Prof. Hua Fu



