Ren Jizhou

2018-07-24 23:26:00

Name:Ren Jizhou Gender:Male Birth date: Nov,7,1924

Native place: Shandong, China

Education: Graducated from National Central University in 1948.

Field: Grassland science

Place of work: Lanzhou University

Address:Room 206, No.768, Jiayuguan West Road of Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, 730020, China

Telephone: 86-931-8914086

Fax: 86-931-8910979 E-mail:

Major Achievements

Professor Ren Jizhou is a creator of the Climate-land-vegetation synthetic method on Grassland classification system. which introduced the moisture-heat index into grassland classification system and became one of the six grassland classification systems in the world; He proposed the theory on improvement system of Alpine grassland; and suggested that the animal production unit(APU) as a new index in evaluating productivity of grassland, which has been adopted as a national standard in China and been applied overseas. The theory corrected the defects of the index based on livestock number and made it possible for comparison of various categories of animal products; He raised the theory of seasonal animal husbandry, which significantly raided the yield of grassland animal production and was adopted extensively in the nomadic area. He proposed the theory of agro-grassland system, including four production levels(pre-plant production level, plant production level, animal plant production level, post- biotic production level)and three interfaces (plant –environment interface, grassland-herbivores interface, grassland animals –marketing interface), which have been widely accepted by academic circle in China and completed the transition from the traditional rangeland science to the pratacultural science. He proposed the theories of system coupling and system contradiction of agro-grassland system which unveiled the basic reasons for the significant increase of production when system coupling exists among various sub-systems while grassland degradation is inevitable when system contradiction occurs among them. It deepened the grassland science research and was successfully applied in the mountain-oasis-desert system of the Hexi corroder, Gusan Province. Achieving significant practical results in the southern China and loess plateau as well. The theory enriched the fundamentals and methodology of grassland sciences. Under his instruction a regional technological system on sport lawn was setup in China. The Ren Jizhou Scholarship was established in Messay University, New Zealand. 

As a chief editors, Ren has initiated three journals, Animal and grassland science for Overseas (later renamed as Grassland and Turf), Pratacultural Science and Acta Pratacultural Sinica, the later two are on the list of the Key Chinese Journals and indexed by the CABI abstracts. He initiated four courses for students majoring in the pratacultural science in the agricultural university of China, namely, Grassland Management, Grassland Investigation and Planning, Grassland Eco-chemistry, and Agro-grassland Ecosystem. As chief editors worked out the textbooks for those subjects. He edited four reference books, 31 volume series of From Poverty to wealthy, and a 10-volume series of Grassland Science. He has written 18 books and more than hundred papers for national and international journals. Ren is the founder of the first Grassland Science Department in the high agricultural educational institutions in China as well as the founder of the Grassland Ecological Research Institute. The research projects chaired and lead by him obtained the third prize of the National Award for the Scientific and Technology Progress, one first prize and five second prize of the provincial award for Scientific and Technology Progress. His book won the second prize of Outstanding Science and Technology Books. He was granted with the title of National Outstanding Expert with Significant Contribution in 1991; won Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Award for Science and Technology Progress in 1999; was named the National Outstanding Worker of Agricultural Science and Technology in 2000; won the National Teaching Achievement Award in 2009; was awarded the first “Outstanding Meritorious Award” by the China Grass Society in 2010; was awarded the “Youcheng Poverty Alleviation Research Achievement Award” by the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office in 2011.

He was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1995.



