Shen Yuying

2018-07-24 16:04:00


Professor in Grassland Farming System 

Tel:  0086-931-8910945     

Fax:  0086-931-8910979



1982-1986 Bachelor Degree of Agriculture, Major in Grassland Science, Gansu Agricultural University, China

1086-1989 Master Degree of Agriculture, Major in Grassland Ecology, Gansu Agricultural  University, China 

1999-2004  Ph.D in Plant Ecology, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, China 


1989- 1992Junior research follow, Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute.

1992-1997Research follow, Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute.

1998- 2002Senior research scientist, Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute.

2002-2004Associate Professor, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University

2004-presentProfessor, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University

Offering Courses

1.  Pasture Management (45 teaching hours per year for undergraduate);

2.  Technique English for Grassland Science (36 teaching hours per year for undergraduate)

3. Advanced Pasture Management (36 teaching hours per year for postgraduate) 

4.  Forage Agronomy (36 teaching hours per year for postgraduate)

Selected Research Projects 

2017-2020:  Chief Scientist. Forage production in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China Agriculture Research System (CARS-34)

2017-2020:  Project leader. National Key R&D Program of China, Improving  stability of sown shrub-grass community and its ecological function in the hilly Loess Plateau (2017YFC0504603)

2015-2018:  Project leader. Management dual purposed winter wheat in the Loess Plateau funded by Gansu Provincial Department of Science and Technology 

2014-2017  Sub project leader. Productivity, sustainability and products quality on a forage planting-chicken raising-apple orchard system in the Loess Plateau, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, China.

2012-2015  Project Leader. Water resource utilization and management in Malian River catchment on the Loess plateau, funded by Gansu Provincial Department of Science and Technology 

2009-2013Project leader. Optimal equivalence between pasture carrying capacity and livestock stocking in Tibetan plateau, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, China. 

2007-2011Sub project leader. Sustainability on designed eco-agricultural systems in the Loess Plateau, State Basic Research Development Program of China, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, China. 

2008-2012Sub project leader. Improving farmer livelihoods through efficient use of resources in crop-livestock farming systems in western China, funded by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Australia 

2005-2007Project leader. Nitrogen fixation of legumes under conservation and conventional tillage systems in the Loess Plateau, China funded jointly by Ministry of Science and Technology, China, and the Department of Education, Science and Technology (DEST), Australia

2001-2006Sub project leader. Improving the productivity and sustainability of rainfed farming systems for the western Loess Plateau of Gansu province, funded by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Australia

International experience

12/2017-03/2018  Senior visiting scholar, The Land Institute, Kansas, USA 

08/2017: FAO Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership Meeting, CATIE, Costa Rica   (4 days)

08/2015   Training course at Malaysia Agricultural Research Institute  (5 days)

12/2014  Academic visiting at Sustainable Agriculture Fleetship, CSIRO, Australia 

06/2012   Academic visiting in RHEH, Belgium, Switzerland 

02/2011   Academic visiting in University of Manitoba ,Canada

10/2010   Visiting Scholar in  National Agricultural Research Institute, Japan

10/2009Academic visiting at Agricultural Production System Research Unit (APSRU), Division of Sustainable Ecosystem, CSIRO Australia (two weeks)

04/2006-04/2007Visiting Professor at University of Manitoba, Canada (funded by Chinese Scholarship Council ) 

07/ 2003Academic visiting at Pothefstroom University, South Africa 

02/ 2003Academic visiting at Adelaide University, Australia 

11/ 2001Academic visiting at CSIRO, Adelaide University and DPI of NSW , Australia 

 08-09/1997Training course at Savolf-Weibull Company, Sweden and   DLF-Trifolium Company, Denmark 

08-12/ 1994Academic visiting at Wye College, University of London, UK (Funded by Royal society)

International conference attendance: 

2016 Session Chair at the 6th China-Korea-Japan grassland Symposium,  Jeju Island Korea

2015   The first TempAg Net Meet. Paris France  

2014  Oral presentation at the 5th China-Korea-Japan grassland Symposium, Changchun China 

2012   Session Chair at 4th China-Korea-Japan grassland Symposium, Nagoya Japan 

2009   Attending the 3rd China-Korea-Japan grassland Symposium, Seoul Korea

2008Invited speaker and session Chairperson at the 21th International Grassland Congress, Huhehaote China 

200520th International Grassland Congress, Dublin Ireland 

2004The 4th International Corp Science, Brisbane Australia

Scientific Societies 

2009- Chief, division of Grassland Ecology, Chinese Grassland Society 

2007-2011 Associate Chief, Division of Youth Scientists, Chinese Grassland Society 

2015-  Editorial board member, Acta Practaculturae Sinica 

2015-  Editorial board member, Practaculturae Sience  

2005-  Member, Australian Agronomy Society 

Selected publications

1)Qingping Zhang, Lindsay W. Bell, Yuying Shen*, Jeremy P.M. Whish .Indices of forage nutritional yield and water use efficiency amongst spring-sown annual forage crops in north-west China. European Journal of Agronomy, 2018,93:1-10 //

2)Xue R, Yang Q, Miao F, Wang X, Shen Y*. Slope aspect influence plant biomass, soil properties and microbial composition in alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2018, accepted 

3)Zhou Li, Xingfa Lai, Qian Yang, Xuan Yang, Song Cui, Yuying Shen*. 2018. In search of long-term sustainable tillage and straw mulching practices for a maize-winter wheat-soybean rotation system in the Loess Plateau of China. Field Crops Research. (Available online 13 October 2017)  IF2016=3.048)

4) Z. Li, Q. Zhang, Q. Yang, X. Yang, J. Li, S. Cui, & Y. Shen*. 2017. Yield, water productivity and economic return of dryland wheat in the loess plateau in response to conservation tillage practices. Journal of Agricultural Science, 155(8), 1272-1286.  IF2016=1.291)

5)Zhang, Q., Miao, F., Wang, Z., Shen, Y*., & Wang, G. 2017. Effects of long-term fertilization management practices on soil microbial biomass in china’s cropland: a meta-analysis. Agronomy Journal, 109(4), 1183–1195.   IF2016=1.614)

6)Xue R, Shen Y, Marschner P. Soil water content during and after plant growth influence nutrient availability and microbial biomass[J]. Journal of  Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2017 (3): 702-715.

7)Xue R, Shen Y, Marschner P. Low soil water content during plant growth influences soil respiration and microbial biomass after plant removal and rewetting[J]. Journal of soil science and plant nutrition, 2016 (4): 955-966.

8)Yang Xuan, Wang Zi-Kui, Cao Quan, Zhang Xiao-Ming, Shen Yu-Ying*, Effects of precipitation and air temperature changes on the production of winter wheat, maize and lucerne in Eastern Gansu, China. Transactions of the Chinese Society  of Agricultural  Engineering, 2016, 32(9):106-114(in Chinese with English abstract) 

9)Du Shanshan, Ding Xy, Yang Qian, Zhang Xm, Shen Yuying* Response of soil respiration of corn field under no tillage to the rainfall event in loessial tablelands,Acta Ecologica Sinica (in Chinese, with English abstract), 36:2570~2577

10)Fuhong Miao, Zhenggang Guo, Ran Xue, Xianzhi Wang, Yuying Shen*.Effects of Grazing and Precipitation on Herbage Biomass, Herbage Nutritive Value, and Yak Performance in an Alpine Meadow on the Qinghai–Tibetan  Plateau,2015,  PLoS ONE  10(6): e0127275, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127275  

11)Yang Qian,Wang Xianzhi, Shen Yuying*,Functional diversity of soil microbial communities in response to tillage and crop residue retention in an eroded Loess soil. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition,2013,59(3):311-321

12)Yang Qian, Wang XZ, Shen YY*, Comparison of soil microbial community catabolic diversity between rhizosphere and bulk soil induced by tillage or residue retention, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition,2013,13(1):187-199

13)Tian LH,,Bell L, Shen YY*,Whish, J., Dual-purpose use of winter wheat in western China: cutting time and nitrogen application effects on phenology, forage production, and grain yield,Crop & Pasture Science,2012, 63(6):520–528

14)Yang HM, He SB, Shen YY*, Wang XZ Soil Nitrogen, Carbon and Phosphorus after Lucerne Conversion to Wheat or Fallow in the Loess Plateau of China , Philippine Journal of  Crop Science , 2011, 36 (3):28-33

15)Yuying  Shen, Lingling Li, Wen Chen, Michael Robertson, Murray Unkovich, William Bellotti And Merv Probert. Soil water, soil nitrogen and productivity of lucerne–wheat sequences on deep silt loams in a summer-dominant rainfall environment. Field Crops Research. 2009,111:97-108  

16)Geng LY, Wang XH,Yu  FQ, Deng XJ, Tian XF, Shi XF, Xie XD, Liu PG and Yuying  Shen, *, Mycorrhizal synthesis of Tuber indicum with two indigenous hosts, Castanea mollissima and Pinus armandii. Mycorrhiza,2009-4-29

17)CHEN, W.,Yuying  Shen, , M.J. ROBERTSON, M.E. PROBERT, W.D. BELLOTTI. Simulation analysis of lucerne–wheat crop rotation on the Loess Plateau of Northern China. Field Crops Research, 2008,108:179-187 ( 

18)NOLAN, M. UNKOVICH, Yuying  Shen, LI LL, W BELLOTTI,Farming systems of the Loess Plateau, Gansu Province, China,Agricultural Ecosystem and Environment, 2008, 124:13-23

19)XIE TL, Yuying  Shen,*, GAO CY, NAN ZB, M Unkovich.2006. The Biological N Fixation Ability of Soybean and its Contribution to a Maize-Winter Wheat-Soybean Rotation System under different Tillage Treatments. Acta Ecologica Sinica (in Chinese, with English abstract), 26:1772~1780

20)NIU YN , Yuying  Shen,* , GAO CY , K. Y. Chan ,NAN ZB. 2006.Impact of Different Tillage Method on Infiltration Character to Winter Wheat in the Loess Plateau. Journal of Mountain Science(in Chinese, with English abstract), 24:13-18

21)LUO CY,Yuying  Shen, *,NAN ZB*,GAO CY,FAN LQ,Chan KY,2005,Dynamics of Crop Yield and Soil Oxdizible Organic Carbon fraction within a Maize-winter Wheat-Soy Rotation Under Different Tillage Treatment in the Longdong Loess Plateau, Chinese Journal of Soil & Water Cconservation (in Chinese, with English abstract), 19(4):84-88  

22)ZOU YL, Yuying  Shen,*, NAN ZB, GAO CY,CHEN Wen, LUO CY, UAN TY, Lu N, Study on the response of Triticum aestivum to nitrogen application after s four year Medicago sativa phase and soil nitrogen dynamics Acta Prataculturae Sinica (in Chinese, with English abstract),14(4): 82-88

23)Yuying  Shen, , NAN ZB, GAO CY, 2004. Spatial and temporal characteristics of soil water dynamics and crop yield response from a 4 years of lucerne and winter wheat rotation system in Loess Plateau. Acta Ecologica Sinica (in Chinese, with English abstract) 24:640-647

24)XIE TL, Yuying Shen *,SHAO XQ, GAO CY, 2004. Differences in photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and water use efficiency between four legume species on the Loess Plateau, Acta Ecologica Sinica (in Chinese, with English abstract), 24:1678-1685

25)YUYING , LI,Y ,YAN, SG. 2003. Effects of salinity on germination of six salt-tolerant forage species and their recovery from saline conditions. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research,46, 263-269



