Wu Shujuan

2018-07-24 16:04:00


Dr. Shu-Juan Wu is the lab technician of the Institute of Element Utilization & Management in Grassland Ecosystem, State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems and College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University. She obtained her PhD (2013) in Lanzhou University, China, and had worked in Lanzhou University 

Currently Shu-Juan Wu’s main work is laboratory management and experiment teaching. She has published over 7 papers.

Address:768 West Jiayuguan Road, Lanzhou 730020, P.R.China

State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems,

College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, 

Lanzhou University

E-mail: wusj@lzu.edu.cn 


Wu S.J., Zhang L.J., Chen X.L., Miao X.M., Wang J., Fu H. (2013) Identification and functional analysis of a 6-desaturase gene and the effects of temperature and wounding stresses on its expression in Microula sikkimensis leaves. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 77 (9): 1925–1930 

Wu S.J., Zhang L.J., Chen X.L., Miao X.M., Niu D.C., Fu H. (2013) Fatty acid analysis of the transgenic tobacco expressing a delta 6-desaturase gene from Microula sikkimensis. In: Revitalising grasslands to sustain our communities. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Conference. CSIRO. Australia. 389-390.

Wu S.J., Ren Y.T., Wu C.X., Fu H. (2018) Comparing pH determination in grassland soil. Chinese Journal of Soil Science. 49(02): 343-348.

Wu S.J., Zhang Y.G., Zhang L.J., Fu H. (2010) Cloning and sequence analysis of Actin gene fragment of Microula sikkimensis. Pratacultural Science. 27(04): 97-101.


Zhang L.J., Fu H., Wu S.J. (2015) Gene and application of Microula sikkimensis △-6 fatty acid desaturase (Ms-△6-FAD). ZL 201110281046.1 

Shang Z.Y., Hou F.J., Fu F., Chang S.H., Wu S.J. (2014) Plant seedling culture device of strong root type plant induced by water. ZL201420222919.0


Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. lzujbky-2015-190). Jan. 2015- June 2016. 


2008.9 – 2013.12    Ph.D., Pratacultural Science, Lanzhou University, China

2004.9 – 2008.7     Bachelor, Pratacultural Science, Lanzhou University, China


2014 – Present   Lab Technician, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, China



