Feng Qisheng

2018-07-24 23:07:00


Qisheng Feng is the senior engineer of Institute of Grassland Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University. He received the B.S. degree from the College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University (CPAST), Lanzhou, China, in 2006, the M.S. degree from the CPAST, Lanzhou University, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree from Lanzhou University, in 2012. His research interests include grassland remote sensing,  geographical information system and computer programming.

Address:222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730020, P.R. China

College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, 

Lanzhou University

E-mail: fengqsh@lzu.edu.cn


The National Natural Science Foundation of China (31702175). Jan. 2018 – Dec. 2020 

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (31672484). Jan. 2018 – Dec. 2021

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (41671330). Jan. 2017 – Dec. 2020

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (41401472). Jan. 2015– Dec. 2017

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (31372367). Jan. 2015– Dec. 2017

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (31228021). Jan. 2015– Dec. 2017


2009-2012 Ph.D. Practaculture Science, Lanzhou University, China.

2006-2009 M.Sc. Geographic information science, Lanzhou University, China.

2002-2006 B.Sc. Practaculture Science, Lanzhou University, China.


Jun.2017-Present: Senior Engineer, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.

Oct.2012-May.2017: Engineer, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.

MAIN PUBLICATIONS (2012- Present):

Zhang Renping, Liang Tiangang, Guo Jing, Xie Hongjie, Feng Qisheng, Aimaiti Yusupujiang. Grassland dynamics in response to climate change and human activities in Xinjiang from 2000 to 2014, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8:2888.

Meng Baoping, Gao Jinlong, Liang Tiangang, Cui Xia, Ge Jing, Yin Jianpeng, Feng Qisheng, Xie Hongjie.Modeling of Alpine Grassland Cover Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology and Multi-Factor Methods: A Case Study in the East of Tibetan Plateau, China, Remote Sensing, 2018, 10:312.

Wang Yunlong, Huang Xiaodong, Liang Hui, Sun Yanhua, Feng Qisheng, Liang Tiangang. Tracking Snow Variations in the Northern Hemisphere Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data (2000-2015), Remote Sensing, 2018, 10:136.

Yang Shuxia, Feng Qisheng, Liang Tiangang, Liu Baokang, Zhang Wenjuan, Xie Hongjie. Modeling grassland above-ground biomass based on artificial neural network and remote sensing in the Three-River Headwaters Region. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2018, 204:448-455.

Wang Chong, Lin Huilong, Feng Qisheng, Jin Cangyu, Cao Aocheng, He Lan. A New Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Eupatorium adenophorum under Climate Change in China. Sustainability, 2017, 9(11):2037.

Zhang Renping, Liang Tiangang, Feng Qisheng, Huang Xiaodong, Wang Wei, Xie Hongjie, Guo Jing. Evaluation and Adjustment of the AMSR2 Snow Depth Algorithm for the Northern Xinjiang Region, China. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, 10(9):2892-3903.

Gao Jinlong, Huang Xiaodong, Ma Xiaofang, Feng Qisheng, Liang Tiangang, Xie Hongjie.Snow Disaster Early Warning in Pastoral Areas of Qinghai Province, China. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(5):475.

Meng Baoping, Ge Jing, Liang Tiangang, Yang Shuxia, Gao Jinglong, Feng Qisheng, Cui Xia, Huang Xiaodong, Xie Hongjie.Evaluation of Remote Sensing Inversion Error for the Above-Ground Biomass of Alpine Meadow Grassland Based on Multi-Source Satellite Data. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(4):372.

Huang Xiaodong, Deng Jie, Wang Wei, Feng Qisheng, Liang Tiangang. Impact of climate and elevation on snow cover using integrated remote sensing snow products in Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing of EnvironmenT, 2017, 190:274-288.

Liang Tiangang, Yang Shuxia, Feng Qisheng, Liu Baokang, Zhang Renping, Huang Xiaodong, Xie Hongjie. Multi-factor modeling of above-ground biomass in alpine grassland: A case study in the Three-River Headwaters Region, China. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2016, 186:164-172.

Huang Xiaodong, Deng Jie, Ma Xiaofang, Wang Yunlong, Feng Qisheng, Hao Xiaohua, Liang Tiangang. Spatiotemporal dynamics of snow cover based on multi-source remote sensing data in China.Cryosphere, 2016, 10(5):2453-2463.

Liu Baokang, Du Yu'e, Li Lin, Feng Qisheng, Xie Hongjie, Liang Tiangang, Hou Fujiang, Ren Jizhou. Outburst Flooding of the Moraine-Dammed Zhuonai Lake on Tibetan Plateau: Causes and Impacts. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2016, 13(4):570-574.

Deng Jie, Huang Xiaodong, Feng Qisheng, Ma Xiaofang, Liang Tiangang. Toward Improved Daily Cloud-Free Fractional Snow Cover Mapping with Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data in China.Remote Sensing. 2015, 7(6):6986-7006.

Chen Siyu,Liang Tiangang,Xie Hongjie,Feng Qisheng Huang Xiaodong,Yu Hui. Interrelation among climate factors, snow cover, grassland vegetation, and lake in the Nam Co basin of the Tibetan Plateau,Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,2014,8(1):084694.

Shang ZH、Feng QS、Wu GL、Ren GL、Long RJ,Grasslandification has significant impacts on soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus of alpine wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau,Ecological Engineering,2013,58:170-179.

Lin Huilong,Wang Xuelu,Zhang Yingjun,Liang Tiangang,Feng Qisheng,Ren Jizhou. Spatio-temporal dynamics on the distribution, extent, and net primary productivity of potential grassland in response to climate changes in China,The Rangeland Journal,2013,35(4):409-425.

Wang Wei,Liang TIangang,Huang Xiaodong,Feng Qqisheng,Xie Hongjie,Liu Xingyuan,Chen Mengdie,Wang Xuelu,Early warning of snow-caused disasters in pastoral areas on the Tibetan Plateau,Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,2013,13(6):1411-1425.

Feng Qisheng、Liang Tiangang、Huang Xiaodong、Lin Huilong、Xie Hongjie、Ren Jizhou,Characteristics of global potential natural vegetation distribution from 1911 to 2000 based on comprehensive sequential classification system approach,Grassland Science,2013,59(2):87-99.

Lin Huilong,Feng Qisheng,Liang Tiangang,Ren Jizhou. Modelling global-scale potential grassland changes in spatio-temporal patterns to global climate change, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology,2012,20(1):83-96.

Liang Tiangang, Feng Qisheng, Yu Hui, Huang Xiaodong, Lin Huilong, An Shazhou, Ren Jizhou. Dynamics of natural vegetation on the Tibetan Plateau from past to future using a comprehensive and sequential classification system and remote sensing data,Grassland Science,2012,8(4):208-220.

Liang Tiangang, Feng Qisheng, Cao Jianjun, Xie Hongjie, Lin Huilong, Zhao Jun, Ren Jizhou. Changes in global potential vegetation distributions from 1911 to 2000 as simulated by the Comprehensive Sequential Classification System approach,Chinese Science Bulletin,2012,57(11):1298-1310.

Yu Hui,Zhang Xuetong,Liang Tiangang,Xie Hongjie,Wang Xianwei,Feng Qisheng,Chen Quangong. A new approach of dynamic monitoring of 5-day snow cover extent and snow depth based on MODIS and AMSR-E data from Northern Xinjiang region,Hydrological Processes,2012,26(2):3052-3061.



