Symposium on Ren Jizhou’s Academic Thoughts of Grassland Agriculture opened in Lanzhou

2023-12-04 09:47:00

[Newsletter] On October 21, “Symposium on Ren Jizhou’s Academic Thoughts of Grassland Agriculture” was opened in Lanzhou. The forum lasted for two days on October 21 and 22 at Lanzhou University. On the opening day, the Launching Ceremony of Chinese Agro-Ethics chief-edited by Academician Ren Jizhou & E-book Gifting Ceremony of A Collection of Ren Jizhou was also held.

At the conference, Professor Bai Xiaoming, Dean of the Prataculture College Gansu Agricultural University, Professor Li Chunjie, Dean of the College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology Lanzhou University, and Professor He Jinsheng, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Herbage Improvement and Grassland Agro-ecosystems, delivered reports respectively, sorting out the academic attainments and growth history of Mr. Ren Jizhou.

Mr. Ren Jizhou attended the whole opening ceremony via video. He briefly reviewed his past life of arriving at Gansu and taking root in Gansu in the 1950s, ranging from the dream of changing nutritional structure of Chinese people in university days to the research on natural ecosystem and social ecosystem, formation of academic ideological system of grassland agriculture, as well as concern and research for agro-ethics, deeply expressed sincere gratitude for cultivation and care from the Party organization over many years, fervent dedication of Lanzhou University and Chinese Grassland Society, all attending experts, scholars, teachers and students, and looked forward to contributing to the nation in the rest of his lifetime. Mr. Ren’s elegant demeanor, master style, his comparison to “grass man” and noble sentiment of devoting his whole life to grassland agriculture education and scientific cause of the motherland were heart-stirring. The audiences burst into long-lasting thunderous applauses.

The symposium was organized by Lanzhou University and Chinese Grassland Society, and co-organized by Gansu Agricultural University and the State Key Laboratory of Herbage Improvement and Grassland Agro-ecosystems. 1,000+ people from Peking University, Renmin University of China, Northwest A&F University and other national pratacultural college deans, research institute presidents, subject heads, subject leaders, pratacultural experts, scholars, technical promotion department and enterprise heads, graduate students and more attended the conference, and nearly 30,000 people attended the conference online.

Liu Baoli, All-media Journalist of Lanzhou Daily



