Li Weibin

2018-07-18 06:16:00


Wei-bin Li, Associate professor of the Institute of grassland remote sensing and geographic information systems, State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems and College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University. He obtained his PhD (2017) in Institute of Applied Ecology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, and had worked in Lanzhou University as Associate Professor. He had been to the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France as a visiting student for one year.

Prof. Li has received important awards and honors, including the National Scholarship of Ph.D (2015 and 2016), the Excellent Scholarship of the President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2017) and the CAS – Agreenium Joint Doctoral Promotion Programme Scholarship (DPP, 2015) etc.

Currently Prof. Li’s research is focusing on C/N–climate dynamics in terrestrial ecosystem and plant abiotic stress physiology. He has published 7 papers in international journals including Soil Biology and Biochemistry and Tree Physiology etc.

Address: 768 West Jiayuguan Road, Lanzhou 730020, P.R.China

State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems,

College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, 

Lanzhou University


PUBLICATIONS: (*Corresponding author)

(7) Xinzhong Zhang, Dexin Guan, Weibin Li, Di Sun, Changjie Jin, Fenghui Yuan, Anzhi Wang, Jiabing Wu*. 2018. The effects of forest thinning on soil carbon stocks and dynamics: a meta-analysis. Forest Ecology and Management. (Accepted).

(6) Weibin Li*, Henrik Hartmann, Henry D. Adams, Hongxia Zhang, Changjie Jin, Chuanyan Zhao, Dexin Guan, Anzhi Wang, Fenghui Yuan, Jiabing Wu. 2018. The sweet side of global change – dynamic responses of non-structural carbohydrates to drought, elevated CO2, and N fertilization in tree species. Tree physiology. tpy059,

(5) Hongxia Zhang, Weibin Li, Anzhi Wang , Jiabing Wu, Changjie Jin, Dexin Guan * and Fenghui Yuan*. 2018. Responses of Woody Plant Functional Traits to Nitrogen Addition: A Meta-analysis of Leaf Economics, Gas Exchange, and Hydraulic Traits. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9: 683.

(4) Weibin Li, Zhen Bai, Changjie Jin, Xinzhong Zhang, Dexin Guan, Anzhi Wang, Fenghui Yuan, Jiabing Wu*. 2017. The influence of tree species on small scale spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration in a temperate mixed forest. Science of the Total Environment. 590-591: 242-248. 

(3) Weibin Li, Jiabing Wu, Edith Bai, Changjie Jin, Anzhi Wang, Fenghui Yuan, Dexin Guan*. 2016. Response of terrestrial carbon dynamics to snow cover change: A meta-analysis of experimental manipulation (II), Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 103, 388-393. 

(2) Weibin Li, Jiabing Wu, Edith Bai, Dexin Guan, Anzhi Wang, Fenghui Yuan, Shuqi Wang, Changjie Jin*. 2016. Response of terrestrial nitrogen dynamics to snow cover change: A meta-analysis of experimental manipulation, Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 100, 51-58. 

(1) Weibin Li, Changjie Jin, Dexin Guan, Qingkui Wang, Anzhi Wang, Fenghui Yuan, Jiabing Wu*. 2015. The effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on plant root traits: a meta-analysis, Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 82, 112-118. 


(2) Weibin Li, Henrik Hartmann, Henry Adams, Hongxia Zhang, Chuanyan Zhao, Changjie Jin, Dexin Guan, Anzhi Wang, Fenghui Yuan, and Jiabing Wu. The sweet side of global change - elevated CO2 increases non-structural carbohydrates in trees but not drought and N fertilization. EGU General Assembly (April, 2018). Vienna, Austria. (English)

(1) Weibin Li, A review of the effects of altered snow cover on terrestrial N and C dynamics using meta-analysis, The 2nd South Lake Innovation Forum for International Young Talents (May 2017). Wuhan, China. (Chinese)


The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (lzujbky-2018-3). Jan. 2018 – Dec. 2019 

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (41675112). Jan. 2017 – Dec. 2020 (Participant)

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (31400541). Jan. 2015 – Dec. 2017 (Participant)

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (41375119). Jan. 2014 – Dec. 2017 (Participant)

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (31370614). Jan. 2014 – Dec. 2017 (Participant)


2017:The Excellent Scholarship of the President of Chinese Academy of Sciences

2016: National Scholarship of Ph.D 

2015: CAS – Agreenium Joint Doctoral Promotion Programme Scholarship (DPP)

2015: National Scholarship of Ph.D 

2012: Outstanding Student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences


2015.11-2016.10 Visiting students. Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions (ISPA), French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Bordeaux, France (Supervised by Prof. Denis Loustau)

2012.09-2017.06 Ph.D. of Ecology, Institute of Applied Ecology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China (Supervised by Prof. Changjie Jin and Prof. Jiabing Wu)

2008.09-2012.06 B.S. of Environmental Engineering, College of Geography and Environment Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China


Aug.2017-Present: Associate Professor, College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.



